The worst buccaneer guide

Discussion in 'Community' started by KenE, Feb 15, 2022.

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  1. KenE

    KenE Donator

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Recently I’ve been removed from my guild Wiggle due to conflicts with Donn1e. This is not a post to try to join again. It is to display that I have no gain from winning anyone’s side as everything I will say is my perspective to the situation. The purpose of this post is to get Donn1e to be removed from Wiggle, to warn other players and his friends about his true personality.

    This post is for the community and especially my guild members to understand that this is a two-sided story where I have never bothered to even say my side while he’s been whining when he doesn’t get what he wants.

    To provide full context, I will be using full names of Wiggle Jr. Masters. I will start this entire story from when I met him. The topics of this passage will debunk his slander on me, which includes harassing female members within Wiggle, bullying/poking fun of him and information leaking within the guild. This passage will also include Donn1e’s past history regarding guilds and behaviors, Donn1e’s personality traits and my personal view on why and how this all came to be.

    I have been on this server for as long as I can remember without any conflict regarding the allegations that he has accused me of and this doesn’t magically happen all of a sudden (especially when I’m the least active in-game that I have ever been). This entire post and all of these screenshots have been formulated starting from February 9, 2022. I have not been following his tail this whole time as he has done to me. To put into perspective we are two completely different people in terms of how much we care. He is aggressively trying to accuse me of all these things and playing Royals 24/7, meanwhile I have not even been playing or have been extremely busy with life to even care about this topic. However, now that I have been removed and his agenda has been accomplished I do not feel like it’s right to have all my reputation ruined by Wiggle members and Juniors while he gets to walk away scot free. You bit off more than you could chew and I’m not going to sit here and give you the victory of having me expelled. You have made a non-stop effort to remove and slander my name and I will make sure you’re buried to the ground for the inaccurate story that has been presented.

    Many people that have been banned by you don’t even bother to go up against someone with a high profile in the community, nevertheless a “female” so you’ve kept those hands clean for a little too long. I will make sure the numerous people that you’ve deliberately banned finally get some justice by destroying your fake high valued reputation that you care so deeply about.

    Chapter 1: Encounter with the Buddha

    I had learned of this guy’s identity before I had even met him about 2 years ago because of my friend IRL who was a core member in Cloudy (for identity’s sake let’s call him George). George was playing a lot of Royals during the time I was completely inactive but had told me about how he was annoyed that a member of Cloudy member didn’t want to HT with him anymore because they had won a flower crown (which was told to me in a way that after he got a sufficient amount of funds, all of a sudden Donn1e felt too good to do bosses with my friend anymore).

    Keep in mind, I’m very aware that everyone is allowed to play the way they want to play and who they want to play with. This isn’t a reason for me to point out how bad of a person he is for doing this. This is just me showing my personal reason on why I initially started building my dislike towards Donn1e. I never harassed him for this behavior nor told anyone of it to ruin his reputation. I recognized that this was my personal issue with him so I chose to not play with him often.
    Soon after this, I ended up meeting him through a friend and his HT. After meeting him for the first time, he always made an attempt to try to get me to HT with him, but I would refuse every time unless that friend or George was there because I already had a dislike toward him for what he had done to George (he doesn’t know that I know this about him).

    Donn1e and I have a Discord conversation together where it’s me leaving him on read and I had sensed that this bothered him. The reason why I could tell it bothered him though wasn’t out of the blue. For months after this incident he would constantly throw side comments at me and had something negative to say every time I spoke in guild chat, to which I never screenshotted or complained about because, I know it sounds crazy, but I just don’t screenshot every time someone tries to hurt my feelings. When someone makes fun of me (trolling or not) I usually have something witty to say back so I don’t find the need to go and run to Juniors or screenshot it. In their eyes, it looks like I’m doing the evil act because he documents everything to Juniors out of context or creates flat-out lies to them. Meanwhile, I have never bothered to even go to the Juniors for my personal issues. When I talk to people it’s because I want to talk to them, not because I need them to do something for me (crazy concept). Unfortunately, I’m unable to view our DMs now for some reason even though he’s not blocked and claims to be (see in later screenshots below). This was the end of that; I never played with him much outside of bossing with the HT friend or George.[​IMG]

    This is a proof screenshot of why I viewed Donn1e the way I do.

    CH1 Summary :
    • I dislike the way he treats my friend by his act of not playing with “noobs” so I’m often cold to him
    • He takes it personal because I believe he notices I’m not acknowledging him and I can tell he starts to be annoyed with all the side comments he throws
    • I often rebut back with my comments but don’t cause a scene over it

    Chapter 2: Magik Mirror

    The second time of conflict is going to involve another Wiggler, and unfortunately because of what Donn1e has started I'm going to put the story on blast. I will be using an alias for this person to preserve their identity as this case is extremely personal. This involves my relationship to Suzan that is completely misconstrued.

    Suzan was one of my first friends that I ever made in Wiggle and she was always really friendly to me and we bossed together a lot as guildmates. Over time, we became closer and closer to the point of talking everyday and having many inside jokes together. We did monster cards together and a variety of maple activities together. I can safely say she isn’t some random girl in Wiggle.

    However, our falling out started when I began talking to someone else (female). Suzan would be very distant to me, often outright ignoring me and broke our promise of getting 200 together. I would constantly try to talk to her to understand what went wrong but she would say she felt uncomfortable about the new person I’m talking to. After a lot of back and forth without a solid answer that I wanted, I got upset and admittedly, harassed her for a short period of time out of frustration, to which I admit is never the right thing to do so I apologize.

    On 23 July, 2021 I stopped messaging Suzan completely and it’s our last DM ever sent on Discord. On 23 July, 2021 I explicitly said to Doo (Jr.Master) that I would stop. Ever since, I have not contacted Suzan or have done anything to her in-game nor been within her vicinity in-game.

    Donn1e is blatantly using this fact of me harassing Suzan as the “example” of why I harass female players. Obviously, he does not provide the full context; he painted this situation as ‘Kenny likes to harass females within the guild’, ignoring the fact that Suzan and I had a half-year relationship built with feelings involved. He then follows on to use this piece of information to spread a false story to Jr. Masters even after the issue has resolved because on 14 January, 2022 I still see Doo telling me that the group of females are still against me. However, this is the only incident that can explain why they would be against me. This is all from Donn1e’s persistence to manipulate the situation and not let this issue go even though he was uninvolved. You can even see in the screenshot that both Suzan and Rielle have stopped by Doo’s comment but Donn1e kept going. Joe even recognizes this behavior and states it in point 3.


    Screenshot that shows Joe is aware of what is happening


    This screenshot shows that the issue has been resolved by the fact that Suzan(censored)/Rie stopped PMing Doo about it but Donn1e is still going at it, trying to paint the picture still.


    This screenshot was towards the very end of me and Suzan’s friendship, where I tell her I want to hear her opinion towards the situation of me “talking to someone else”. She then replies that this is her personality. While I don’t understand and disagree with her, I still acknowledge that this is her perspective.

    This is to note that our falling out wasn’t because of some toxic behavior from any side, it was the result of a complicated difference.

    What I followed up with was admittedly toxic and I accept fault for that. I am not justifying the action, I’m simply showing that in our conversation we were close and talked about our feelings to one another and that’s the result of my action and not the fact that she is a female and I just target female members within Wiggle.

    CH2 Summary/TLDR
    • I have a falling out in my emotionally filled friendship with Suzan > I harass her about her personal life out of frustration because of her ghosting me out of the blue > I stop when I was told > Donn1e uses the situation to paint that I harass females and refuses to drop the subject even after 6 months that it has been resolved even though he’s not involved.

    Chapter 3: Free Market Entrance

    The third conflict is where I decided to troll in guild chat one day about people who are obsessed with banning RWTers and filing long reports about them, clearly mocking this group of people and portraying how they have no life by making sarcastic remarks.

    Personally, I’ve always hated the way these members play the game before Donn1e. I have multiple instances where I've made jokes in my old guild from 2020 about people doing this, but after seeing what Donn1e was doing, it kind of reignited my passion for shitting on these players.

    Of course, his spy in Wiggle finds out about how I’m trolling and screenshots it, which prompts Donn1e to message Joe (our Jr.) to get me to “stop”. However, since the whole ordeal about Suzan I don’t even bother talking with this guy because whether he finds it offensive or not I know he’ll just behave in a way where he’s extremely hurt so I can be the bad guy and take the hit. I know his goals in mind by this point, so there's no use in even talking. If you look at the situation objectively, no one would act this hurt over jokes that don’t have their names involved nor was he being brought up. It is clearly manipulation that he is pretending to be hurt because I am objectively wrong for “making fun of people”.

    This action that I did was also supported by multiple members joking around with me but for some reason he cherry-picks me, clearly it doesn’t bother him or he would’ve told everyone to stop. He’s simply using this situation at hand as leverage because it is “wrong” for me to make fun of how people play and when put into perspective, the Juniors will have no choice but to put the blame on me because technically it IS wrong.


    Screenshot proving that there were multiple people in on the “joke”.


    Screenshot of him trying to make it about himself so he can write a story that I target him.


    While this screenshot of me in 2020 (before I even joined Wiggle) doesn’t display that I dislike people who report RWT it does show that I’ve always disliked types of playstyle that are, what I deem ‘dirty’ (harvesting information in discords to ban people).


    This screenshot shows how he takes everything I say and makes it about him and even Doo, a Jr. Master, agrees that it is fun and that this is just all a facade to stir the pot.

    CH3 Summary/ TLDR:
    • I make fun of RWT reporters > Donn1e makes it about himself to paint the image that I target him > Donn1e cherry-picks me out of everyone because he wants the narrative to be written as I’m making fun at him personally so I’m the villian.
    • Abuses the technicality that it is wrong for me to make fun of a certain type of player once again.

    Chapter 4: I love MapleRoyals

    Unfortunately, I will have to use a real name for this next issue because it’s obvious who it is about regardless. This conflict involves Wiggle member REDACTED.

    This happened after the day she posted about staff professionalism along with her complaints and frustration to the situation, which left her feeling very disappointed and hurt at the responses that came from it. The following day she logged on and made a comment about how muff needing therapy, to which I replied, “actually you need therapy” as a joke/sarcasm/banter or however you want to put it. I honestly thought REDACTED was pretending to be mad too because my comment is so stupid that I thought it was clear that I was trolling but I understand if it wasn’t clear and it’s my mistake to assume someone’s feelings.

    On the forums I have multiple posts that suggest that I clearly do not like the direction of the server. I’ve reached the point where I’m content with the fact that the server will never change no matter how many people make the same posts repeatedly over and over.

    So now to the main point, obviously Donn1e finds out about this (uninvolved once again) despite not being online either because, as you know already, it’s him! Y’all should know by now that he painted the picture that I am a bully towards REDACTED and uses that same concept to group female players together that makes me look like I harass female members.


    Screenshot of the initial incident, even a Wiggle member in the screenshot commented “idk if u’re trolling now or what LOL''. This just shows that I’m not hiding behind “haha i was joking”. I actually didn’t know if REDACTED felt hurt, but regardless I apologized anyway.


    A screenshot that shows that I’ve apologized and explained my intent behind my comment.


    A screenshot of Donn1e trying to pursue the situation even though it’s been resolved to further paint an inaccurate picture. “John already handled there is nothing to talk anymore”.

    CH4 Summary/TLDR :
    • I make an offensive comment towards REDACTED > I assume she was in on the joke > I find out that she was being serious and I apologized > Donn1e, uninvolved, pursues the situation and makes it about female harassment after it’s been resolved
    • Abuses the fact that I’m “technically wrong” for making the rude comment against REDACTED once again.

    Chapter 5: Elevator Shafts

    The last chapter is about a leaked screenshot sent by me of him banning 2 Wrath members. He had a meltdown in the Wiggle discord after constantly being ignored by juniors, screaming with his fingers pointing in the air saying that this ‘crosses the line’ and that was my execution.

    Yes, a screenshot of him doing something that was going to be done anyway. Prior to this, he had already banned a good chunk of Wrath players, everyone already knows that it’s him who did it. I guess I spoiled the anime ending too soon and it’s my fault.

    But I know his intent. Let’s go back to what I was saying before - I know he doesn’t care about the leaking itself, but anything I do that breaches any form of “rule breaking”, (which, in this case here, is a leaked photo outside of Wiggle) he will throw a fit and in the moral court, technically I am wrong for breaching this rule and he uses technicalities like this to his advantage to, once again, paint another piece of the story of what he wants to make out of me.

    Interesting on how he keeps obtaining this information; it’s as if he has people planted in guilds to feed him this information. I have multiple screenshots of him trying to harvest sensitive information from other guilds. It has gotten to the point where guilds like Wrath had to purge people with the intent of protecting general information because of his actions in digging deep to try to ban people. From my perspective, almost everyone that he has “caught” in Wrath aren’t even RWTers; they just got caught up in the mix of inheriting items from their friends and being extremely lucky, which I had witnessed with my own eyes. They just don’t have significant evidence to back up their claim compared to somebody who’s been purposely trying to harvest their information by sneaking into their Discords for months. But again, he will use this scenario as, “I’ve done nothing wrong, I am just following the integrity of the game”. However, anybody with common sense can tell this is an act out of being power hungry and jealous. There are multiple ways to make the game a better place over catching RWTers, but isn’t it strange that it’s all he ever does and boasts about in guild chat?


    In this screenshot above, Doo is seen tagging Donn1e regarding a hacker, implying that he knows that Donn1e is known to be an intense reporter and a follower of the ToS. However, he replies with, “what do u want me to do about it tho”. So, does he actually care about the game or is he seeking to further a different agenda?


    Comparing his reaction of the Wiggle member showing a hacker, you can clearly see that he has a different reaction when he reports RWTers. It is evident that he experiences enjoyment in reporting RWTers as opposed to hackers. Anybody with sound knowledge about the game should know that hackers have just as much of an impact on the game’s economy much like RWTers do too. But why is he so hung up on reporting RWTers?

    Here you can see him do point 4 and 5 in the photos above.


    Stalks me and guilt trips Juniors to seek action to get what he wants


    In this screenshot, he took it up to Doo when Joe ‘refused to do anything’. When he asked him, “What you want us to do? Just kick him?”, he responded with “Doo I think you misunderstand me”. So what exactly was he trying to achieve by bringing it up to Doo? It is clear that he wants to keep his hands clean by not explicitly saying “Yes, I want him kicked” and by continuously bringing up points to make the juniors come to the conclusion themselves so he isn’t the bad guy.

    So I wonder where that all came from? How did he come to find out that I had leaked what he had said in guild chat? Does this mean he has a spy? I have multiple screenshots and numerous people coming forward to tell me that he has sources placed in a majority of guilds to get leaked information in order to ban someone (the user of the screenshots wants to remain anonymous). In my situation, I was sharing a screenshot to show my friends essentially saying, “Wow he did it again”. I don’t use information that I've gained to exploit other people or ban them. While yes, he is playing robin hood and playing by the book and the ToS, y’all can be the judge of who’s morally right.

    He uses people and “friends” of his to gain this information to make these reports which should probably make you question your stance with this guy if you’re friends with him. To have someone like this be a part of your guild is extremely concerning in my opinion.

    While Donn1e seems like a hero by defending Rogue members and banning RWTers via “fair play” and “what’s right”, his response to it indicates that he elaborately takes videos and screenshots of Discord conversations with individuals with the intent of banning people.

    If we’re playing by technicalities here, why doesn’t he report people who leak images to him? The people who are leaking photos to him are just as bad as what I’m doing.

    CH5 Summary/TLDR
    • I leak a screenshot of him banning 2 Wrath members > he throws a fit on how that is against the rules of Wiggle > Joe kicks me because from a guild leader perspective it is the right move
    • Donn1e displays the exact same behavior from every single chapter up to this point by using technicalities to his advantage when the situation is not even severe
    • Donn1e displays that he extensively breaches information from other guilds to get them banned while playing robin hood but always uses technicalities to try to frame me as a villain when technically what he is doing is also wrong. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
    • Donn1e displays that he doesn’t care about hackers as much as RWT to show that he doesn’t actually care about the game but this is an act of an alternative motive such as being power hungry or jealous.
    • Donn1e stalks me and is not punished for it

    Donn1e before Wiggle

    This is before I even met him. This is a showcase of his past that’s relevant to the topic at hand and all the claims are supported by the previous members of his old guild Cloudy. These have no relation to me but it writes a fairly accurate picture to who he is as a person.

    Before Donn1e was ever in Wiggle he was in a guild called Cloudy. My friend George who’s been in the guild his whole life has come out with multiple screenshots that dictates Donn1e’s repeated behavior in Wiggle.

    It shows that he’s done the exact same behavior that he’s done to me with the leader of Cloudy (I’ll call her Ally). Donn1e did the exact same thing to Ally by hurting Ally and manipulating the people of Cloudy to turn against her. Ally had warned people before adding him to the guild, even highlighting “she isn’t what she seems like”. This later was reinforced by multiple members that they were weary of him joining after. Once Donn1e did infiltrate Cloudy with the support of Jack (a core member of Cloudy) it went completely downhill. The leader and all the members felt betrayed as Donn1e continuously talked behind the leader’s back and even tried to get Jack removed from the guild after their falling out, however it ultimately failed. This resulted in the core members turning against Donn1e.

    This screenshot here shows the conversation between 2 core members of Cloudy (George and Bob) talking about the history of Donn1e joining the guild (Cloudy members being spoken about - Ally, Jack and Sarah) and how he manipulates people within the guild to believe his side.

    With their consent I would be glad to provide the unedited photos. They are members that are still in Cloudy even today.

    This is George (that has been there since day 1) and his stance on Donn1e.

    *He has not consented to revealing himself in any photos but I may be able to share the full image if requested by Junior members of Wiggle.

    Just 2 more screenshots of George’s stance on the matter.

    The people in the screenshots are members of Cloudy and they’re saying this. When core members of a guild are against him there’s gotta be something up; they don’t just decide to randomly make this up. What do they gain from helping me portray Donn1e this way if it wasn’t true?


    This behavior is recognized by Jr. Master Joe on (5) that he is using higher positioned members such as juniors and leaders of Wiggle to his advantage, which is the same behavior that he’s done to cloudy leader Ally in the past. This is a clear display that this guy is a repeated offender and that this isn’t the first time he’s done this in guilds. He does not care about the harassment issue but more of the fact that I’ve ignored him from the beginning ever since we met and is now clawing out situations to, once again, paint an inaccurate picture to kick me/people he doesn’t like.

    A majority of these dot points as listed by Joe showcase that my claims are not baseless. It highlights that Wiggle members other than myself recognise his targeting behavior towards me. However, it is clear that Donn1e takes advantage of Joe’s communicative ability to provide in-depth responses thus messaging him for action to be taken. It is also shown that he constantly messages Joe about my own actions, only to be ignored by him and even a public statement to show that ‘at a personal level I won’t be interacting with you again until you decide to reflect a bit upon the way you’re actually conducting yourself and interacting with the community’. Previous incidents between him and I have been resolved through Joe, however when it is not enough justice for him, he decides to take it up to a different Jr. Master (i.e., Doo).

    Donn1e’s behavior and personality

    These are the points from all his actions that he’s done to me and the players surrounding him.

    The photos below are conversations between him and a member of Wiggle (he does not know that I have these screenshots of him saying all this about me).

    • He will target you when he doesn’t like you and start building an inaccurate story that frames you as someone who’s in the wrong to make himself appear as the good guy
    • Claims “he doesn’t act the same to everyone”; this statement is very vague and I have no idea what it implies because it’s simply not true. I behave more cold to people I dislike, which is just a normal thing people do.
    • * The Wiggle member he tries to manipulate even notices his manipulative traits.
    • Claims that he and I were ‘best/close/good friends when I joined Wiggle’ >> ‘like him and mike were my regulars’ (refer to screenshot). Does this Discord conversation prove that he and I were best friends? I’ve never treated him poorly, but I would often ignore him.
    • Every conversation that we did have, it always involved him INITIATING the conversation, NOT myself initiating it.
    • To also add, Donn1e often proclaims that I ‘harass him’ + other girls, however would a ‘harasser’ blatantly ignore Discord DMs?
    • While it can easily be rebutted by saying that my ‘change up’ was me ignoring him in the Discord conversation, my ‘change up’ was never toxic towards Donn1e. The only difference was that I spoke to him less. I never spoke badly regarding his image to other Jr. Masters of Wiggle, and until he decided to make this situation public, I had never suggested his removal from Wiggle until today.

    • Donn1e claims in this screenshot that I would find ‘maple girls instagrams and rate them with [my] friends’ >> this statement is just a flat out lie, it’s actually kind of disgusting that he threw this in. Please name my so-called friends that I did this with and also, please name the girls that I tried SO hard to find on Instagram. If there’s a way to show all recent searches dating from back to August 2021, let me know.
    • If he is referring to Suzan in this screenshot, I DON’T even know her surname (which can be proved with our DM history).
    • This was the first time that I had started to find out that Donn1e had been saying this stuff behind my back too and I even commented (dating back to August 1, 2021) “all i ever did was troll him when he logged on”, which was a reference to his side comments that he threw at me and what I would rebut with.
    • The screenshots even show that the Wiggle member is aware of what Donn1e is doing
    • In this screenshot, Donn1e claims that I’ve done ‘similar things to [him]’, which makes no sense since I do not have much prior history to him (refer to Discord conversation as shown above). However, it is stated with the intention to manipulate this Wiggle member to his side by suggesting that I am an alleged repeat harasser/offender towards a specific female group in Wiggle when the only circumstance that has occurred was a personal problem that I had with Suzan (Rielle not inclusive + Donn1e uninvolved once again).
    16 December 2021


    Donn1e messaged me regarding jokes that I had made in the Wiggle guild chat. I closed his DM and never replied to his last message.

    8 February 2022

    Donn1e claims that I had him blocked on Discord and thanked me for blocking him from Discord, however I never had him blocked to begin with. I cannot search up his Discord tag and he is not in my blocked list.


    At the time of writing, the below screenshot showcases how I am unable to find my personal Discord conversation with Donn1e. Keep in mind, I do not have any mutual servers with him, however I do have some mutual friends with him.


    The below screenshot is the perspective of someone who also does not have any mutual servers with Donn1e, but still has mutual friends. Why am I unable to search up Donn1e despite having the same factors? Given that I never had Donn1e blocked to begin with, he still should have been able to message me on Discord. However, he did not and instead, he decided to publicize the matter and shame me regarding the leaked images.


    • Screenshot of context to just show that he is just lying about being blocked for some reason.
    • He will use others to make his story more compelling by manipulating others into his belief (Chapter 2).
    • He will use things that are deemed objectively wrong and act as if it really hurt him because it will put the leaders in a lose-lose position where they’ll have to pick the morally right option (Chapters 3-5)
    • Donn1e befriended several female members of Wiggle to scope out facts with the goal in mind of seeking information that would damage my reputation

    • Why?
      • 1) He pursued my incident with REDACTED by pushing the issue after I had already resolved it through John (see Chapter 4)
      • 2) I last spoke to Suzan on 23 July, 2021 and stopped messaging her after that. I also spoke to Doo and stated that I would leave her alone (30 July, 2021). Since my last message to Suzan, I have not spoken to her. However, on 1 August 2021, Donn1e continued to pursue my situation with Suzan (he was uninvolved once again) with another Wiggle member without my knowledge. Donn1e purposely uses morally wrong situations to create a positive image for himself. Indeed, my harassing Suzan IS wrong, however, is it right for him to pursue this situation to make himself appear more morally just? Keep in mind, the story he presented isn’t even true.

    Screenshot showing date that it’s been resolved prior to August.

    • Screenshot of the date when the incident happened regarding to how it’s already been resolved but he is still trying to slander my name in this photo
    • Obsession of being a vigilante - every single of my conflicts have had him completely uninvolved but he still somehow digs his nose into them. Every conflict that I have ever had within the guild has been resolved with literal screenshots saying I would stop and even apologizing, but you can clearly see that he still tries to pursue it just to reach his agenda and you can also see the same trait he is exerting onto me by the way he likes being the one to ban people. He wants to be the hero for standing up for others but it’s clear that he has a hidden motive and loves to hide behind that good guy look.
    • He would always have a superiority complex to not want to do anything other than quad HT while being the deadweight of the team. He was extremely weak at the time (which isn’t a problem) however, he would always ask for more from players in Wiggle that he clearly knew could carry him and I can tell this is true because he ditched his old team after having access to higher geared players.


    For the entirety of this post I have referred to him as he/him pronouns, but this has nothing to do with insensitivity on gender. It’s just another point on why I believe he’s a manipulator.
    • I believe by his actions that he uses being a female as an intent of trying to gain competitive advantage in the game and build community trust.
    • These acts include using gender to manipulate people to get them to potentially give higher valued items, enter more boss runs, easily join guilds, and get into conversations with other female players easier than male players would not.

    • It is not an opinion that female players generally get more accepted than male players. Whether he reaped all those benefits or not is unknown but it is evident to me by his actions that this is his intent.

    • His mic has been broken since before I was even born. No one knows what he sounds like or looks like yet he’s out here spending RP to make his pixels look cute but can’t get a mic to talk with his maple BF? Not even a smartphone? C’mon y’all. Bro, his character Donn1e is literally a male.

    • Even his demeanor is noticeable to me. He doesn’t even act like a female by his actions, he uses hearts in text and even has couple rings with other guys and that still doesn’t convince me. Isn’t that a testament of how bad he keeps up his act? I can tell that some players are more feminine than him without them even using a single heart or having any rings. This is just something you can’t hide as a guy. I have been in the game for 7 years and counting, I can confidently say I can see through these acts clearly. You can argue this is all in my head but there are multiple people within the guild with the same thoughts.

    • Sorry, but no female players have an endless pile of RWT reports and snoops Discord servers.

    • He also deliberately groups females together to oust me and makes it easier for himself to talk to female members within the guild about more personal topics by being one, all the while purposely making the situation about gender.

    This is a screenshot of me talking to Suzan where it is indicated that even the members of the guild have a suspicion of his behavior. While Suzan never explicitly said that she believes he is a male it is implied that the suspicion was there.


    Another screenshot of Suzan expressing how even GM (at the time) Peter even has a gut feeling of Donn1e’s real gender just to showcase that this isn’t just me trying to oust him because of personal differences.

    Summary / TLDR
    • The root of all this is stemmed from me not acknowledging and ignoring Donn1e since the day we met

    • Donn1e is a liar, user and manipulator and has turned several situations around to make me look bad and make himself look more positive and morally correct

    • Donn1e uses being a female to his advantage.

    • Donn1e has pursued several situations that did not involve himself, yet he made it about himself while also trying to frame it as though I was harassing female members of the guild (see Chapters 2, 3 and 4).

    • Donn1e has also cherry-picked me in group situations even though these individuals encouraged my behavior and even participated in such conversations regarding jokes that I have made but he’s always made it purposely about me (see Chapters 3 and 4). Doesn’t it make sense for him to pursue these individuals as well if they’re making the same jokes as me?

    • Donn1e’s present day actions are repeats of what he has already done to others in previous guilds (e.g. Cloudy).

    • All of Donn1e’s actions are calculated in that everything that he does is either for self-gain or for the purpose of getting somebody banned.

    • Donn1e breaches Wiggle rules by stalking members within the guild and harvests sensitive information from other guild Discord servers to ban them.

    Although this may not be relevant to anything to support my case, I would like to note that in the 7 years that I’ve played Royals I have never once faced any conflict involving harassment or bullying of any kind.

    I’ve been in top guilds (at their respective era) such as Unity and Acme. I was even a Jr. Master in Unity and can say with confidence that I’ve never ran into any issues when I was playing actively, compared to me now (logging on every other day to reset my shop).

    I have had very positive feedback on my profile and many friends on my forum over the years. I doubt there could even be a single person that can be tagged that has had any conflict with me about harassment. I do not believe it’s a coincidence that Donn1e comes along and all of a sudden I get all these accusations. This guy has not played for even half the time that I’ve been around and has already had conflicts with his previous guilds and has continued to display repeated behavior that he has done to me in those prior guilds as well.

    Thank you to everyone that has spoken up about this matter when I’ve requested their true thoughts and feelings regarding Donn1e. I have written all this from the ground up with support of my close friends in the span of 5 days. I never had the intention to even post my side because I am extremely inactive and I care very little about him giving false accusations, but once he decided to make this a public matter in my guild, he bit off more than he could chew.

    I hope Wiggle leaders and juniors will reevaluate their stance on keeping this guy in the guild because I can say with confidence he is the root of the problem and this won’t be the end of it.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    WeAreX, Ayane, -Tommy- and 50 others like this.
  2. eddymeow

    eddymeow Donator

    Apr 5, 2021
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    rumor has it that wiggle doesn't know what color grass is
  3. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    oof not the transphobia out of nowhere lmao
    LLew, bibz, Tect and 4 others like this.
  4. Sharu

    Sharu Donator

    Mar 10, 2020
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    The cave of life
    Donn1e is a toxic person who made my friends quit, got my friends banned, tried to get between me and my irl bf(ex nowadays), flamed me for no reason whatsoever, ruined our guild Focus, tried spreading false rumors about me and keeps telling people to stay away from me.

    I’ve been doing everything I can to stay away from them and you all should too.

    Idgaf about their gender, it’s just the person who I dislike.
    LLew, -Tommy-, jeff8434 and 16 others like this.
  5. obeyjetts

    obeyjetts Donator

    Jul 17, 2014
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    LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so this was the no life that tried so hard to get me banned by "being such a great role model to the community." donn1e tried to act so heroic on my post, and even made your junior Joe add me on discord to have a conversation that led to nothing. u cant even talk face to face that you had to get a junior to message me some bs lmfaooooooooooooooo. danel i thought we was coo back in the day but everybody realized you became the fucking royals police for no reason lmao. you so toxic and proud to be an keyboard warrior and internet police. touch fuckin grass, you prolly pale as a fucking vampire. you get excitement and pride out of getting people banned LMAOOOOOO your life is sad as fuck. and pretending you were a female lmfaooooooooooooooooooooo saddddddddddddddddd go touch grass. take that fuckin guild name off your profile, shit is embarassing reppin it tbh lmfao. also erybody talks shit bout u behind yo back, and they been since covid. i aint understand why they did at first; i thought u were a good person. but then i heard everything. weirdo. foh
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Inclusivity likes this.
  6. Joez

    Joez Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    I expelled you from Wiggle and I take full responsibility for the action that I took. What my guild, my fellow juniors do with regards to anyone else really has nothing to do with you. I despise being used by other people and you will understand I am disappointed in what has transpired over the last few months.

    I apologise if this feels unfair to you but if you are unhappy about the decision I made, that should be directed towards me. I have done my very best in attempt to remediate both ends and that unfortunately did not work out - I made a balanced decision overall, frustrated as I was that night, that your values as it stands are not in line with Wiggle's and I believe I have taken into consideration any difference in the evidence I was provided.

    When I was initially approached by Danel I agreed that I would talk to you about it - which obviously culminated in a warning to you as you very well know. At the same time I discussed with Danel my thoughts regarding some of the comments that were made - noting that they reflected a certain degree of projection and that Wiggle juniors are not designed to resolve personal conflict. I do not feel I was obliged to disclose to either of you what I said to the other person - nor do I think this was appropriate, but perhaps I should have consented both of you to openly disclose seeing as how things played out - whether this whole saga was avoidable in the first place I am somewhat dubious about, however.

    Irrespective of what has transpired in past, present or future, it is grossly inappropriate to be broadcasting private messages and the move in itself is nothing short of disrespectful - and if anything is likely to lose any respect the juniors in our guild have for you.

    On a personal level? One person pestered me the week before my exam and the other one does this the day after my exam. The two of you are both real fucking annoying.
    Heidi, Ray, obeyjetts and 19 others like this.
  7. MoriForest

    MoriForest Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    This is some top tier cringe drama shit.

    I like it. :sammymug:
    Heidi, WeAreX, Geyforlife and 34 others like this.
  8. Doo

    Doo Donator

    Jun 2, 2015
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    ALthough I don't admire the ss u took from from guild chat /personal chat (didn't ask any of us first )
    But I think i can understand why u decided to use those defend urselve
    smia, danielamar07, Whalien and 19 others like this.
  9. Baxt

    Baxt Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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    quoting @Aeronautics "if you all cant be decent humans i am r> dogs"
    Geyforlife, -Tommy-, jeff8434 and 8 others like this.
  10. nyannko777

    nyannko777 Donator

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Don't farm forum likes.
    (ps: like pls)
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Heidi, William, irmy and 53 others like this.
  11. Shnang

    Shnang Donator

    Feb 1, 2015
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    I don't even know what to add anymore so here's a meme
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Heidi, Geyforlife, ^-^ and 7 others like this.
  12. Tako Yuet

    Tako Yuet Donator

    Feb 2, 2019
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    *pick up glasses start reading some drama on mushroom game*

    William, irmy, christie97 and 19 others like this.
  13. Yakamoz

    Yakamoz Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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  14. eVolve

    eVolve Donator

    Aug 30, 2021
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    Why can't we just play maplestory.. :(
  15. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    @Zancks - this thread is just a huge wall of public shaming and flaming an individual, you gonna delete my post and give me warning points for calling out two names but not do anything about this thread? cmon bruh ~f3

    and why the fuck does it matter what gender the person is irl, you gonna marry him/her? ~f7
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    Ray, Donn1e, ^-^ and 7 others like this.
  16. nut

    nut Donator

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Hello everyone.

    We have decided to reopen this thread with some names redacted. If your name is in here and you would like it to be redacted, please make a report.

    Initially, the thread was deleted because it is targeting a specific individual, Donn1e, among calling out other individuals by name.

    Also, we would like to touch on comparisons people are making. Specifically Thread 1 and Thread 2. Both of these threads involved documented harassment, reports, ban appeals, questioned decision-making of staff members, and revolved around the game rules. These are more straightforward cases (to us, at least) where we can immediately judge that it is in the interest of the community, despite the "drama" that may result from it. In contrast this situation did not reflect that (to us) upon an initial investigation (for example, it does not take a report to consider something harassment.)

    As community managers, we would like to emphasize the following:
    1. Gender is arbitrary in our decision making, i.e., it is most definitely not a factor. We strive to moderate all players equally, regardless of our relationship to them.
    2. We are not here to protect "top players", "top guilds", or people who make reports frequently. These are frivolous claims.
    It is not our duty to necessarily govern falling-outs between sections of the player base, but there is a fine line we must walk. We are not in the business of invalidating one's feelings nor are we for censorship.

    These judgment calls are incredibly difficult to make, and take time. We weigh all the options and try to strive for the best outcome.

    We will end with this: We ask that players behave. There will be no tolerance for witch hunting, personal insults, inciteful remarks, and so on. Keep the memes in the meme thread (follow rules), and approach this with a clear and calm mind when possible. If you would like to have a serious discussion, this is your chance. This is the first and final warning.
  17. TteokBokki

    TteokBokki Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    It does not matter what gender the person is irl.
    But in this case the gender is being used to make harassment claims against Kenny. You're twisting it as if Kenny cares about the gender. Did you read the thread?
    This screenshot shows that Donn1e explicitly stated Kenny "harassed her" - Donn1e used him/herself as an example to say Kenny is doing this to all these girls "including me". If this is not harassment and defamation, not sure what is.

    This reads like you and your guild is being manipulated by someone who has used the fall-out between two people (Kenny and Suzan) to spin it into this massive drama.
    If these claims by Kenny are true, he is the one being harassed, singled out, targeted, and then kicked.

    This is clearly not the first time Donn1e has done this to a guild.

    You might be rightfully upset about screenshots being posted. But if you realize that Kenny cannot make his case without these screenshots, you might be more understanding.
    Stop doing the "politically correct" thing, and start doing the right thing for your guild.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
  18. MzBunny

    MzBunny Donator

    Mar 14, 2019
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    Hello. I am the person named “Ally” for anonymity reasons but there’s no reason for that. I was also not contacted for further info to clarify anything prior to this post. My name is Song and I am the guild leader of Cloudy. Everything that transpired from the section named “Donn1e’s Cloudy Conflict” is 100% correct except for this one part.

    Edit: The correction should be that Sarah felt betrayed and Sarah felt the reasons that Jack ‘s reason for defending her was weird.

    the person named “Sarah” is the guild member who was in the guild before Donn1e joined.

    If there are any questions regarding this situation that pertains to my guild, I will answer it.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    furoshiki, jeff8434, Aestel and 10 others like this.
  19. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    I believe it's time for me to make a proper response to this, without the limitations of GIOYC.
    I'll start by saying that I'm not going to leak any screenshots or call people by name/forum ID in a bad connotation as I don't want to burn any bridges or break Wiggle's rules any further.
    I will repeat some of the things I already said and add to others:

    About genders:
    People seem to know me better than I do apparently, and it was quite funny to see the thought process behind the conclusion that I lie about my gender.
    Am I a bit different? for sure.
    Did I ever benefit from being a female? Absolutely not.
    I refused every offer for gear I ever got, I don't accept gifts or any unfair benefits (unlike some who made a fortune from being girls) and I will never get into relationships or play with people's feelings over the internet.
    Don't believe me? ask people like @lxlx or @royo how many times I could get their gear and I straight up refused to.
    My microphone is fine, and yes - I even have social media! Will you ever get it or know who I am? no.
    People who have known me since the beginning will know why,
    as the first person I met on this server decided to use everything he knew about me to find me and try force a relationship on me while saying he will kill himself if I don't agree, and that's when I decided to draw the line.

    It's disgusting to me how people are obsessed with my gender without knowing anything about me really.
    You can make all the assumptions you want, it won't change who I am - and I do not care to comment on this any further.

    About elitism:
    There's no greater insult for me as a player than calling me an elitist - i would never reject my friends based on mules/funding, especially not for a silly reason like winning a Flower Crown.
    That specific friend you mentioned did not find anyone who would take him on runs, and I took him in to my regular daily run and we had a great time.
    The only reason I ever stopped running with him is that he went on a break at the same time with others from that regular run, and I found another regular party.
    I am not an elitist and anyone close to me would tell you the same - I always try my best to satisfy everyone in terms of bossing and include as much as I can.
    Again, I don't want to brag and tag specific people who I run with, but that's just such a baseless accusation, and an insulting one.

    About stalking:
    That's just something I don't do.
    Yes, in this case I knew you were the one who leaked the guild chat screenshot because of the background - but there is context obviously.
    When I said what I said about that RWT banwave - I knew this would make for a pretty juicy screenshot and I saw you online - so I checked if you were actually present or not.
    I messaged 2 of my friends in the guild at the same time this happened, saying I wouldn't be surprised if you leaked that chat.
    I did not stalk anyone on other occasions, and people who know me also know that's simply not something I do.

    The Cloudy/Sunny situation:
    I don't see how this is anyone's business - as this was a very different incident, and painting this as a "pattern" just isn't accurate.
    First of all, you got one thing wrong - the so called "Ally" is not the guild leader and in fact was just a regular member who did not like me before joining,
    they discussed it internally before I joined and decided that I will join in the one condition that we dont speak to each other and never stir drama - a condition that was fulfilled on both our sides.
    Also, taking screenshots with that certain friend (that I won't tag) talking about my situation in that guild is very misleading, as he was retired more often than not and he barely knew what's going on.

    Now just to give a brief explanation on what roughly happened and why I think it's nobody's business:
    I had a conflict with one individual in the guild, and one individual only, a conflict that made me want to simply leave.
    I presented that conflict to the guild's management, they showed support but did not want to take any action, because the member was ultimately their friend.
    We had a bit of an argument, where I said I thought they should've taken action, and in the end I decided to simply leave and put it behind me - in my mind I did not leave on great terms, but definitely not on bad ones.
    I thought I did not hurt them or said anything rude/disrespectful and just decided to go ahead and leave (and I was wrong, clearly).

    I want to take the opportunity and apologize to both @MzBunny and @JTee for that, you are 2 people that I admired (and it might surprise you, but I still do).
    You are both great people who built a nice community and you know exactly how much I was hooked to the guild and wanted to stay, I apologize for the way I talked to you with all my heart.

    There was nothing beyond that, so I dont see what it has to do with @KenE 's case at all.

    The Wiggle situation:
    I'm gonna start off by saying that I was wrong about the way I approached things when I found out that you are the one leaking screenshots and I let my anger get the best of me - I apologized to @Joez for that and I will say it again - I'm sorry for breaching the guild rules on that occasion.

    You also have to understand that @Doo 's english is far from perfect and he misunderstood me many of these times, he thought I was calling you out for things you said to other members and ask you to be kicked, which I wasn't because it's simply not my place to decide who gets kicked and who doesn't, I never suggested that.
    In other cases Doo thought I said you bothered me, which I didn't say.
    He realized those things too late and said "oh fk but i alr messaged kenny" - which of course led to you thinking that I try to stir things up for no good reason.
    I am not going to leak any convesations with Doo, but he can easily confirm what I just said as it's right there in our chat history.

    But those mistakes do not justify your actions and the way you treat people.
    - In your whole interaction with me you forgot the part where you repeatedly called me "boy IRL" and asked for photos, even saying stuff like "I give you 5 WS if you give me a pic".
    This is a situation that was stopped only when I messaged you directly and said "wtf is your problem? can you stop", to which you simply replied with "lol" - very mature.

    - You were annoying "Suzan" in a very similar way while she asked you to stop everytime, until she threatened to make a report.

    - In the third incident you mentioned there's not much for me to add except the fact that u didnt feel the need to apologize on the spot despite her saying how hurt she was and how rude you were.

    - You did not have any positive interaction with the guild for months, everytime you showed up it was either to annoy someone, make jokes about me (who else reports RWTers constantly in this server? lets be honest) or afk at guild events.

    You were annoying members constantly, maybe it's just something you didn't realize/care about - but it's all true and did not come from just me.
    This could all end up very differently if you actually talked to me like a human being for once and shared your thoughts, instead of making stupid hurtful jokes and treating me like trash.

    What you also didn't mention (not that you could know) is that this Joe comment on guild chat was deleted and he apologized to me about everything he said after - which resulted in my apologizing too and that whole thing resolved internally.

    About RWT:
    I play this game, and I play hard.
    When you play the way me (and many others) do, RWT is a very apparent problem, and I don't think most players are aware of the scale of it and what it does to the server.
    A lot of people RWT, and to whoever reads this, that probably includes a significant part of of your friends group too.
    I will not be sorry for fighting it, and apart from a small minority of people who hate me for it, most players appreciate what I do and I will gladly take the heat for it.

    I get a lot of messages about this topic recently, accusing me of anything from stalking to spying, so let me clarify a few things:
    - I don't have people "spy" in guilds for me
    - I don't stalk people for information
    - People ask me to make reports for them, since they're afraid of the hate they might get (which might explain how I get information I would normally not have access to)

    I have solid evidence on most reports I make and I do not make anything up - if you think your friends are innocent, where are their appeals?
    Of the many people I reported the past few months only 5 appealed, most chose deleting all information about them and disappearing - perhaps into a new account.

    If you are in the Auf/WS/CS market right now, you would notice how much cleaner it is - and I'm not trying to brag but a lot of it is thanks to me.
    That is the situation I wanted to create, I want Royals to be as RWT free as possible and I want legit players to struggle less.

    A few words for conclusion:
    This is a highly inaccurate thread full of lies, assumptions and opinions when it comes to everything related to my time in Wiggle and to my gender.
    I won't comment on anything relating the comments, as this is a whole different thing - and again - nobody's business.
    There's a huge obsession from some people in this community to both me and my gender - and I can't help but feel that this is becoming a witch hunt where people that I had fights with come to vent.

    You criticizing me does not make your actions any better - and it seems to me that your main goals are:
    1) Make my guild/close friends hate me and fear me
    2) Justify your own actions

    I don't think some of these things should've been shared with the whole community - as they are private conflicts, and honestly, shame on you for burning all those bridges with your past friends in Wiggle by posting those screenshots.

    Since this whole thread is about what I am as a person I want to admit my faults here and say sorry once again:
    - I am sorry @MzBunny and @JTee , I definitely wronged you and I was not in the right in this situation - you didn't deserve any of that.
    - I let my anger get the better of me in many situations and I rush stupid decisions - which resulted in that message on Wiggle chat, and I'm sorry for that too.
    - I'm very public and open about my reports, which results in people getting hurt sometimes knowing I'm happy their friend got banned.

    I don't believe most people who come to this thread even care about what really happened - they just want blood.
    I am not some evil person, I do not try to hurt people around me and I am not a stalker.
    I made mistakes, and so did you - many of them.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    Alstero, KDT, NekoYen and 5 others like this.
  20. Frenzy

    Frenzy Donator

    Jul 28, 2016
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    the sip sent my soul to
    the promised land
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    WeAreX, MoriForest, Metang and 8 others like this.
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