The worst buccaneer guide

Discussion in 'Community' started by KenE, Feb 15, 2022.

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  1. TteokBokki

    TteokBokki Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    I don't see where in my posts I was rude, actually.
    I've read all of your posts. And unlike Doo, I understand English fine.
    I'm not fueled with a lot of hate. I'm just calling BS out for what it is because people are too scared to do it.
    I'm just providing a third person perspective under an anonymous name because anything Kenny says will be looked at with a colored lens.

    In your whole reply to Kenny, you continue to paint yourself in the best light possible while alienating Kenny.
    • "Girls are uncomfortable around him" is a very vague and dangerous statement to make, because the words can be misconstrued as sexual harassment. If Kenny was actually making a lot of girls "uncomfortable", wouldn't he have been kicked a long time ago?
    • "People are obsessed about my gender" but not acknowledging gender only became a topic because you spread rumors that Kenny was making you "uncomfortable" the way he made Suzan uncomfortable.
    • "I don't stalk people at all". but holds onto and blasts people based on the background of screenshots taken - sure, it's one instance, but it's still stalking.
    • "I love Cloudy / Sunny people and I'm very sorry" but never reached out to anyone since the incident
    • "I am just trying to ban RWTers" as if people had a problem with you banning RWTers..
    • Makes overgeneralizing statements about how a whole guild doesn't like a member, when it is very clear that you had the biggest issue and are the centre of a lot of conflict that did not seem to involve you in the first place.
    Kenny came forward because Focus, Cloudy/Sunny, and now Wiggle, three guilds have all seen this same behavior with you as a common denominator.

    You don't have to keep saying you "don't want to post screenshots" as if the person posting them (Kenny) is a villain. Noone asked you to post screenshots.
    But noone would have believed him if he didn't have receipts.

    You can stop replying any time you want, but don't say it's because I'm being rude and cannot discuss in a civil way. I have been more than civil and have brought up a lot of valid points.

    I'll say this though.
    If you play this game long enough, no one is a saint.
    Everyone's got dirt on everyone. Everyone's got receipts.
    But you seem to have grabbed onto the few things Kenny fucked up on, and spun it and spun it until Wiggle expelled him.
    And based on what's said by Focus and Cloudy people, this is not the first victim.
    I feel bad for all the guild juniors and members who had to put up with these games.
  2. kaytee24

    kaytee24 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    why are you making it out to seem like these rwters are victims? if you truly cared about getting rid of rwters in this game, then seeing donnie mention an rwter getting banned or reported shouldn't make u feel so negatively about it.....unless you're rwting yourself or you know of someone close to u that actively rwts and seeing another one of ur buddies gone makes u a little anxious...?
    TteokBokki and Donn1e like this.
  3. TteokBokki

    TteokBokki Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    I don't have a problem with reporting RWTers.
    I have a problem with Donn1e making herself to be a victim as if people hate her for reporting them.
    People don't hate it when she reports, people hate it when she reports THEN BRAGS/CELEBRATES IT to the alliance KNOWING that some people (in this case, Kenny) are friends with them.
  4. kaytee24

    kaytee24 Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    ok and? they cheat, and get an unfair advantage by paying real money (lol) in a mushroom game. donnie should of course celebrate for trying to make this game as fair as it can be, unlike ur friends who chose to break the rules and gain an unfair advantage. they made that conscious decision to do something that actively harms the game and other players, why should they deserve any condolence at all?
    Alstero likes this.
  5. tercels

    tercels Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    If you guys wanna join a truly elite guild with no drama, lmk and maybe I’ll ask the leader
  6. TteokBokki

    TteokBokki Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    You don't need to say "your friends" as if I must've had a friend banned by Donn1e to be here to reply to this thread.

    And nothing.
    Donn1e can do whatever she wants. Just can't expect everyone to love and praise her for it.

    How to explain this...
    It's like that kid who puts their hand up in class to remind the teacher everyday that the teacher forgot to collect homework, then brags about how the teacher would have forgotten to collect homework without his reminder, then cries about being disliked by his classmates. Yes he's just protecting the integrity of the school system. But he could have also been a lot more low key about it.
    eVolve likes this.
  7. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    So you're okay with judging and ruining the reputation of someone publicly yet you're afraid of it happening to you? You know what, you are right, you're a coward.

    i have no idea why this thread was resurrected but for what it's worth, i'd like to mention that in all the time i known donn1e, she or he (idc really and neither should you) has never asked to loan my gears despite knowing that i am no longer actively playing this server, and i've also offered to loan her my warrior set when she/he made a drk, to which she/he declined repeatedly.
    Ray, Alstero, Taehyunn and 4 others like this.
  8. Bistre

    Bistre Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    she/they apologized already, doesn't matter if it was public or not. Maybe it was for PR who cares, its just beating a dead horse at this point. OP and Danel will never be on the same page, just agree to disagree ffs
    ^-^ and Donn1e like this.
  9. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Y'all should instead make amends by participating in the new forum event and expressing love towards one another, while potentially winning exclusive prizes! Wow!!!
    Heidi, 3ggs, SleepySleepy and 24 others like this.
  10. FireHeart

    FireHeart Donator

    Aug 6, 2016
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    I didn't read this at all but still a better love story than Twilight <3
    Dummie and GunzGaming like this.
  11. ZJZJ

    ZJZJ Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Not sure why everyone seems to be expecting Danel to have to make a private apology now, just because OP decided to bring up an incident from a year ago that she admits she feels apologetic for not handling better in the past.

    Bridges have already been burned, I don’t know what unreconcilable differences there were for things to end up that way but since it’s clear that she had no intentions to be friends after – what’s the point of pushing for any apology at this point?

    Arguing about the method of apology (publicly, privately) or lack of it is kind of ridiculous because the apology only happened because someone unrelated decided to bring up the situation again and get everyone newly involved. These people haven’t spoken in forever and likely would have continued not to – until someone brought up this conflict on a public forum – it only makes sense the apology here is short and public without going into details of the conflict, which ended a year ago. I don’t think anyone involved wanted to bring this matter up on their own as they were trying to move on in their own ways, yet people here forced them to by bringing it up, then complained about the “public apology” as if either involved parties were the ones that wanted to air their dirty laundry here. Evidently there’s a clear gap in how both parties in the conflict viewed the situation and the perceived hurt inflicted/taken, but that’s for them to deal with (or choose not to deal with) on their own.

    Just leave them alone and stop making them relive the pain all over again.

    I'll see myself out before the hate comments
    3ggs, jmiee, Samme and 12 others like this.
  12. TteokBokki

    TteokBokki Member

    Feb 15, 2022
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    Yeah. Already admitted I'm a coward.
    Kenny's reputation seems to be ruined first when he seems to have been put on blast in guild on intentional targeting and then expelled.

    Also, no one said anything about her trying to borrow gear / mesos. Competitive advantage doesn't have to be about borrowing / using gear. It can be about getting into a guild, it can be about joining runs, or it can be as simple as people more willing to share information with you, talk to you, or being and feeling more included and accepted.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
  13. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    I mean, if kenny was kicked from wiggle, it's highly likely for a good reason because i trust joe's judgment, so i personally feel that you saying donn1e ruined kenny's reputation is a wrong way of putting it, it feels to me more like kenny ruined his own reputation and donn1e exposed him. And all of this are done within the realms of whatever platform Wiggle guild uses.

    Choosing to put a rather personal dispute on display for the entire royals community to see is most def not a cool guy move.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    Ray, SleepySleepy, ksnur and 2 others like this.
  14. NANI1

    NANI1 Donator

    Oct 9, 2020
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    I heard the guild monk is truly one with the nature
  15. Chris4Real

    Chris4Real Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2020
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    2102 Top Floor of Roppongi Mall
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    I just miss the fun times we had. It's disappointing and sad to read this thread, however I'll conclude my judgement after reading both sides of the story :D

    Attached Files:

    Rosa likes this.
  16. Garytia

    Garytia Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Hi.. random but I need some help and I feel there would be a lot of "Pros / experienced" players here who can help me out. May I know which Valentine's day event gives the ring? I will drop you fame if you can help me out. :)
    SleepySleepy, Tail, Archer and 14 others like this.
  17. Enticing

    Enticing Donator

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Mushroom game strike again
    Snay likes this.
  18. KenE

    KenE Donator

    Feb 8, 2015
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    About genders

    I do not care about your gender it is the fact that you conveniently made the situation about sexism against me which is very easy for you to do so as a ‘female’ on top of which you are a ‘hidden’ gender, you know whats crazy to me? You say your sad story to make me look insensitive about the topic of gender but if that was true and you will NEVER show your true gender, why even say you’re a female? Whether you’re a mystery or not by claiming you are a female you will get these ‘weirdos’ so that makes no sense.

    About elitism:

    I don’t have any screenshots to back this up so sure, you clearly are by the way you pestered for quad HT while knowingly wiggle members could carry you. This shows in the way you kept dm-ing me to ht because you knew I could carry you. I don’t have any screenshots further than this so it’s he said she said

    About stalking:

    You don’t stalk? What is it when you /find me in-game and use this information to your advantage? What is it called when you go into other guilds discords and try to harvest information about them to ban them? I’m not even attacking, is there another word?

    The Cloudy/Sunny situation:

    Ok so you apologized now that it’s public? Not anywhere in the year that you could’ve? Why are people arguing time doesn’t matter, if I rob a bank and don’t bring it up then the police finds out and I confess saying ‘it doesn’t matter if i turned myself in day 1 or a year later man’. You got put on blast so now you’re apologizing to save face, you wouldn’t have even looked back if you had. Your own ex-leader is coming forth to say this is true, like i don’t get how anyone can view this outside of biases and think it’s fine. Don’t even talk about how anything is ‘none of my business’ . You are the master of digging your nose where it doesn’t belong.

    The Wiggle situation:

    This is just a lie, there is no confusion, I don’t have problems with anyone other than the people you have lied to. Look at the screenshots in donn1e and personalities. This guy literally says to ANOTHER wiggle member behind my back ‘he stalks girls instagrams and rates them’. That is just a complete lie, it’s not a misinterpretation it is a lie. If he’s willing to say this to 1 wiggle member what else has he said to the rest? I do not annoy any member you’re just making this up, this is just a lie I don’t know what to add. Please show screenshots or chat DMs with the people that are ‘annoyed’ by me and what action I’ve done. I’m genuinely curious because I know for FACT you can’t find anyone because it’s a LIE. I don’t even play the game. How can I even have conflict? I log on legit twice a week and barely even talk unless someone talks to me first, I don’t even boss or ask to boss.

    Again the whole spying in discord server thing is just a lie THIS IS CRAZY, i have a screenshot on my computer RIGHT NOW of you directing someone to go X subcategory and scroll around to look for certain parts on the discord THIS IS CRAZY. I just dont have his consent.

    Homie really said i said “ i give u 5 ws for a pic” holy fuck show me any screenshot of me saying ANYTHING about me wanting to see a photo of you. Bro i ignore you on discord, trust me i dont want to see you. This is just another LIE.

    His whole post is just a fat lie to save face, it’s no longer a manipulation, it is a LIE, how do i have over 30 screenshots to his none and people believe this oh my god it like heart wrenching knowing that this is all a lie to manipulate the community and theres like nothing you can do about it.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
    MzBunny, JTee, Prideful and 10 others like this.
  19. Oofadin

    Oofadin Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2020
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    I heard if you go to control panel you can uninstall royals and try to get a life.... some people should try that...
  20. KenE

    KenE Donator

    Feb 8, 2015
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    @lxlx i’m not here to convince you or win you over, i get it you have a tight relationship with danel, a single thread isn’t going to ruin that. You don’t know me at all, but you know danel, I get that. In fact, I support the fact that you side with your friend. It shows you’re a good person. I’m not going to think any less of you for it.

    I feel like you misinterpret my point, but i’ll address it. Donn1e’s gender is irrelevant to the message i am trying to portray, I agree. I am stating that donn1e uses the gender aspect of being a female to manipulate. I am not pointing at donn1e and calling his claim to be female false for no reason. I have many friends that are publicly female that are males, I play with them, I chat with them, and I don’t expose their identities. I don’t care since they are not using gender as a use for a purpose that I deem evil. (grouping wiggle females together to band against me)

    I find it very convenient that this conflict has to do with sexism by him painting the image that I harass females. I believe the narrative would be more difficult if he was a male because I don’t think it's easy for females to just open up to males about personal matters and for some reason he has information about my personal relationships.

    While the points I made about why I believe he is a male are irrelevant, I am listing them to support my claim of why I believe true. The purpose however is that he uses this fact to manipulate.

    I just want to know what you think I did (action wise) that was ‘wrong’ at any point. I’m genuinely asking because if you did think I was wrong I want to know so I can be a better person. I can’t learn much from ‘i trust joes judgment’ and ‘ik danel, danel would never do that’. I’m curious after reading this page what you thought about the scenarios themselves.

    @Joez help me understand you, i’ll look at it as objectively as possible. You say you despise being used by other people but might I remind you and bring up the fact
    • I have never gone to you about danel
    • all my conversations with you about danel was because you had brought it up to me because danel came to you
    • I have found out about danel spreading completely lies about me in august of last year and did not bring it up you or involve any wiggle juniors because i recognized it was my personal problem with him and I
    I genuinely do not know what the best course of action I could’ve done to prevent all this, I can think of 3 scenarios :
    • Talk to danel and work this problem out
      • I didn’t believe this was something that was possible because at this point I already knew he was saying I stalk girls' instagrams and a bunch of lies to OTHER wiggle members behind my back. In order to talk out a problem it needs to be a misunderstanding between the 2 or a conflict you can agree to disagree on. I cannot talk to someone who is purposely spreading lies of that nature about me. Regardless, I didn’t even tell you about this because I didn’t want to drag you in.
    • Report to you how i felt like he was targeting me and spreading lies from the start
      • This would require me dragging you in and I didn’t want to do that.
    • I don’t do anything, ignore the problem and let it get this bad
      • I did not predict that he would still be on my tail even after 6 MONTHS have passed, I did not predict to open my eyes one morning and be removed without a chance to speak up.
    You say I should go to you about this problem, but he went to the entire guild before I got a chance to even see the message myself. I saw the screenshots through another Junior. You say you made the decision that my values do not align with wiggle but you have no idea how much i DON’T say because believe it or not, I never went out to hunt danel, he hunted me and I just defended myself.

    I cannot understand your view of you losing respect for me but that’s fine i’ll live with it and I won’t argue. I have repeatedly made an attempt to NOT drag you in and NOT talk badly about danel even though I despise him unless it was brought to me.

    This entire situation is so sickening to ever say it was a two sided story when it was just him accusing me of things I didn’t do the entire time. Joe I barely even play the damn game, I don’t even involve myself in the community, this is the FIRST time i have EVER ‘started it’ and it took EVERYTHING that he has done to me for me to finally have enough and your reaction is you lost respect for me, I used you without consent, and I’m fucking annoying.
    MzBunny, JTee, Prideful and 9 others like this.
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