ALL Your Character Names:BOTScroll. Last thing you did: Leech CPQ1 . Why do you think you got banned?: This is my account in which I give CQP1 leech and the truth is I don't remember when was the last time I entered to play or sell leech and I don't know the reasons why when entering the game it doesn't allow me to be in the game and I get a message saying THIS IS ID HAS BEEN DELETED OR BLOKED FROM CONNECTION Ban message when attempting to log in: THIS IS ID HAS BEEN DELETED OR BLOKED FROM CONNECTION. What GM banned you (optional): -
That account created it a long time ago to make CPQ1 Leech to my other accounts, I have never been banned or even reprimanded for any illicit act, what's more I have never changed my password or pin or pic ... but for unknown reasons I have been restricted from entering the game with that account. The account is a Brawler lvl 50 that is in the KingsOfPeace guild if I remember correctly, I hope you can help me get it back. Thanks in advance
Excuse the inconvenience and the audacity on my part, but I would like to know if there is the opportunity to have a slightly more private conversation with you... Actually, it is NOT because I am bad-mouthed, but I have seen that there is a lot in the game suspicion.
Started a PM to request a login ID. I can't find a follow-up to our PM, if you are still interested to continue the ban appeal process, kindly bump your ticket. You can still comment on this ticket despite the closed thread prefix.