The godly system does not go into trading in coins for weapons. I think it would nice to have it apply towards those weapons.
I don't think is necessary for Royals to make such change on CPQ wep exchange, as almost 99% of game population choose Maple wep for their path from lv35-80, and the path from lv30~lv70 are incredibly fast to reach, you wouldn't need those regular wep for training purposes, unless you try to be more nostalgia, while keep high damage as good as well-scrolled maple wep at the same time. As we all knew, most maple wep in Royals are dirt cheap, and so does the 30% dark scrolls or 60% scrolls, unlike in original MS, you might have to spend your half-year saving, just so you can afford a decent Maple wep, and some 60% scrolls to try your own luk, in these cases, it is more common for people choose wep such as Redemption, Lionheart, Slain as the replacement/cheaper options for Soul Spear, Maple Sword, and Skanda or Kandayo, which we are not, cause almost all the lv35, 43, 64's maple weps are easy to get/newbie friendly in Royals. Furthermore, 99% of people who exchange their coins are target the lv51 Choas Necklace, if Royals want to make Godly eqp feature in CPQ exchange, does that mean the necklaces will also have chances to be GODLY, as good as Deputy Star? Since Deputy Star play huge-roll in necklace eqp section, make the Chaos Necklace become godly might result hackers farm and loots the coins, then frequently exchange the necklace to impact the market, which I don't see any necessary reason or advantage to make further changes on CPQ exchange. (In addition, you can still farm those lv50~70 wep from the mob, and the drop rate/chances get godly status is outstanding.)
I have spent weeks on trying to farm a perfect weapon that is in that list and never did I ever get a single perfect one. I wasn't even able to find one that was 1 away from perfect. I completely disagree with this. The item is also craftable in Ludi, but if you look at what is needed to craft that weapon, You would immediately say "fuck that" when you see how many refined steel/mithril plates in order to craft it.
If you want to gain something, of course you have to pay/lose something as exchange. The def of perfect wep is because they are incredibly rare and hard to farm, whether is by mob or craft, or gacha, even if the staff did put godly eqp system into CPQ exchange, the chances of getting them will still be extremely low, and you will still have to spend tons of times to farm the maple coins, which is about same amount of times to farm the wep by killing mobs. I don't know which wep you are farming and obsessed for it's perfect status, but tbh, Royals staff had already made an huge improvement on the eqp status, all eqp dropped from mobs or gacha, even if they are not pefect, yet they are still way better than the one you usually get in original MS, a slightly difference like 1~2 atk off away from the def of "perfect" wont affect you that much, just deal with it, man, you not gonna bear them for a life-term anyway.
This is 100% false. I can farm them about 3 times faster in CPQ than farming for them at the best map with 1shot, gen and telecast. Maybe nerf the extremely low droprate on the item? Also if you say that those levels go by so fast that the weapons don't really matter anyways, what harm would it do just to implement it in the weapons (not the necklace) anyway? It is just a request. Is there true harm in allowing godly system on those weapons?
Matt has confirmed he won't be applying the godly system to the CPQ necklace(s) due to similar concerns - possibly being better than Deputy Star But this concern shouldn't affect the suggested godly system for weapons that would be obtainable via CPQ exchange I do not see any negatives for the CPQ exchange weapons to be godly rolled unless the godly system is applicable to the exchange as a whole (meaning it will include necklace as well), then I can understand why CPQ exchanged weapons do not have the godly roll applied Spoiler: Screenshot CPQers: actually we do
Weapons purchased from CPQ exchange can be affected by the godly system as of Update 79. Note: Pendants are not affected.