Staff mage done LF>new goals THX too @Kloss @x3heybee @Sha @Officially @spring2941 @nicky @Rielle @19921224 @Saledor @NekoYen @Donn1e @cagedmercury @jaydenlim Can't make this without help
My first gacha in Sleepywood (trying to get a Slime Eraser to get RoA) https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/DzFQcH9/Maple-Royals-01-03-2022-17-53-37.png Not sure is it just me, or other people too - I felt (very) happy to get scroll to nearest town as compared to PE/melting cheese
sense of accomplishment is relative. @Ultimatus is just a person who appreciates the small things. maybe?
Tried to go big but you could only use the nearest town scrolls to go home. I'd call that an achievement for getting to go home early.
Finally got the quest specialist medal at level 82, thanks Christmas event for the easy 30 extra. Was pretty slow but it's a fun way of leveling! Prolly gonna farm wolf spiders for a few levels and try the other 200 sometime after lvl 100. Next goals: perhaps finally buy a zhelm. Maybe make some friends or find a guild, playing solo can get boring at times.
Thx for being kind duoing with a 174 NoobLord. it wasnt that bad 1hr23mins. wait me 200 and renew the record again.
Tried to reach 10k but I couldnt sell my stuff fast enough. Have like 500 wand ma 30%s, 180 knuckle att 30%s and 5000+ Gizers. Can we just pretend 9995 is 10k? Cant be arsed to 60%ws my black belt too so Ill just leave it as it is. Wanna take a break and I am indeed happy with my achievement. 0 hours of leech sold 0 hours of farming Just apq and being a fm hoe with 17 years of experience
2nd run duo TOAD with a random stranger ~~~ not bad was lucky (free 7 luk for RC user cuz we dont need that much dex ^^) @Nerd @Bot
Finally completed Ephenia on my 5th attempt, and with that, the Quest Virtuoso challenge! Being unable to join boss expeditions or PQs in the last 3 months sucked, but I realized I missed grinding, and I created my first 4th job character without any leech!
My journey started since 2018. From born with nothing on maple island to having multiple 200 characters. Today is my special day that I reached one of my end game goal which is to have 63 att set. I met @syrupface127 James, the petri seller, and respected him a lot. my 63 end game set was made because of him. I got 20FS the last piece of my 63 set today. Thank you @jackeylove Jason for reserving your 20fs to me . Good Luck on your CSing adventure. Wish you to make a 20+ shoes back. Spoiler: Cape Got this from my friend @syrupface127 James. Best cape from my idol. As you said I whited many more runs from HT with your beautiful cape. Spoiler: Glove Got this in game from IGN Tooter. This is the only part that im not very closed with the original user. But still thank you for selling me your 23 glove. My random HT partner in 2018 . Spoiler: Shoe Got this from my friend @jackeylove Jason. I will be keeping your boots for the next 2 years until I'm super rich and if im still around . I achieved here with 0% RWTing. I sold low level leech, then 1hit petri, then made stopper farm and HTing for years. Sorry for the trouble I have made for taking all the stopper channels. thank you @Venin for teaching me stopper farm. I quit stopper farming. There was no wrong or right. I was a slave farming for mesos. See you someday in Sophilia's Bedroom. I respect all the legit players and hardcore farmers. Best of luck for reaching your goals slowly. To all my friends and random strangers Good to see you all still around. Spoiler: SoonToBe 8K borrowed 15Luk Earrings so this is not my own range. 9K when? @Nerd Thank you for your NL upgrade advices.
Thought I was going to need at least 6-7 ws for this but I passed all 3 x 60% so it only took 3 ws. Im officially in the 10k range club now. 1 year on this server has been amazing. Thanks to Savior Guild and all my friends for encouraging me. I achieved 55 CGS, perf bow and 10k range in 1 year without cheating, no rwt, no vote abuse no bullshit any loser would do to ruin the game. 0 leech sold 0 farming done Free of Debt. 17 years of merching on this 2d mushroom game paid off. I sacrificed enough of my rl career for these pixels and I dont think I have it in me to do what I did for the past year again for 87 auf so I think I'll pass on that. Have a blessed Sunday everyone
Fell in love with Shadower, so I perfected these earrings before my Katte overalls up next! Couldn't have done it without @jyjy who helped me to bid on this clean godly earring 4 months ago when I couldn't afford it but also wanted them so bad as a NL + Shad aspiring main. Thankful for you @lee1 for helping me to scroll these too guess your luck is back!