I don't fare well with farewells so I'm just going to thank everyone who made my time at Royals worthwhile. You'll know if you're included; not going to write down a long list of names. Thank you all. Bye.
I see saki has discovered text editing. This should be interesting. Anyways tobs, it sucks to see you go man. I remember when you first joined and you were a wee bishop planning on a paladin as a main. Good times. Hope you droop by from time to time, gonna miss you man.
You are, and will always be, a valued member of this community. You are always welcome here. You broke my heart when you gave me those mesos </3. Good luck in life, my friend.
hit me up on skype fagget so I can tell you how much better my shad was than your gms one. skype :samthebamf
This farewell was a bit futile, because even if I were still playing, I wouldn't have been able to play until now; since I quit, I haven't had any access to internet on my computer. Lel. Anyway, I won't have any access to internet again for nearly 6 weeks in about a week from now, but I'll [STRIKE="possibly"]possibly[/STRIKE] try Royals again in December. Yes, I'm voting most days. massive gachrun or giveaway incoming See y'all whenever!
^ aforementioned giveaway incoming. I think I have about 300k NX. I should be online after the weekend.
nooo you even used a strikethrough on possibly that means you have to come back pls no give away pls tobi