Hello, I was trying to trade my santa girl overall and santa hat to an in-game friend and I was receiving an error that the trade was unable to go through. This was happening on both of our ends. I tried putting the 2 items in the cash shop and taking them out to see if that would let me trade and still couldn't. Now I put them in the cash shop and relogged and they are both completely gone from my inventory and cash shop. Could I receive some help on resolving this issue please? Thank you. Character name: Caleby
Thank you for your confirmation Have forwarded your details to the Admins for verification Once confirmed, the Admins will provide a refund of the NX items Note: earliest possible is during a server check
I have deleted the items from your Cash Shop. We will need to refund you the items in game, please reply here when you are next in game for a GM to contact you to refund you the following items: 1051131 - Santa Girl Overall 1002225 - Santa Hat
Hi there! I’ll be available for a couple of hours right after the SC to help refund your missing items. If you are unable to log in between those couple of hours would you be able to list your general timezone for us to try to figure out a meet-up time with either myself or another Staff member? Thanks in advance!
Can you provide a more specific range of times, in servertime (UTC) of when you'll be on so that our GMs can plan around that. Example: 00:00 - 02:00
I can be around for tonight, 22:00UTC is around 6pm and I'm usually up for a couple of hours after reset too!