Discussion in 'Off Topic / Spam / Test' started by Papi, Feb 20, 2015.
+1 tim -1 chok
- karven + chok
+karven -matt
+ christine -pete
+1 Karven -1 Matt
+ Chels, - Pete
+chok -matt
+1 tim -1 matt
+ Matt - Michael
+1 matt, -1 michael
+1 Mike -1 Matt
+ matt - michael
+ Aly - Karven 10 HP is too much Kevin!
+Matt -Aly
+1 ALY <3 -1 Mike (sorry mike, thinning out the weak)
Plus aly Minus mike
+ karven, our lord and savior. - aly, for killing pete D:
why is matt not dead yet. +tim - matt
+matt - michael
Separate names with a comma.