IGN: MOMOBELLA, xMOMOBELLA REASONS: Toxic and lied DETAILS: rejected to share mw20 splits and then lowball the splits -Note: There will be no screenshots cause i dont have to prove anything to anyone and i just wanna raise an awareness to the community to this kinda behavior. So i went to a quad HT run yesterday as an SE with a public team. First few minutes were alright. We killed the legs, tails and left wing… just chilling. But when we got to the first head(head a), 2 of the NL’s in our team got disconnected(at this time HT’s hp was around 60-65%). I decided to stay with Momo and we decided to duo. We killed 3 heads, right wing. And when right arm almost died, i got disconnected. It took me and that person around an hour or more. When Momo finished the HT, i asked if anything good droppped and he said ‘mw20’. I then asked if he would like to share the split money but he kept on repeating that he brought 2 mules(i’m pretty sure mules give u nx not more split money). I honestly just wanted to get over with it and asked if i could get my 10 apples back(which is probably like 100m) and he said ‘not even’. He said that his stars went out and he had to use his bishop to kill the HT(which is kinda odd cause what kinda NL came unprepared, i had like 9 sets of cupid arrows and at the end i still had quite a lot). At this point i just knew he was full of sh*t. But what made me super mad is that he said ‘i could’ve just not told u mw20 droppped’. Sir, i could’ve just asked the GM’s to check the drop/loot history too. And i’m pretty sure that’s reportable. He then claimed that he would’ve gone and soloed anyway even if i left. Let’s be honest here, that’s straight up bs
GMs actually won't get involved in the loot dispute - the drops from bosses aren't compulsory to be shared among party members, it is just nice to do so It would be difficult to raise awareness of this "issue" if there aren't any screenshot(s) to show your side of the story since everyone would have their own point of view during such disputes, the accused can counter this by saying you are fabricating the story to misguide the community No screenshots of the PMs?
Oh i see. I didnt take any screenshots because when it comes to split money i wouldnt expect people to be this greedy. But i guess i’m just naive. Since i dont have any ss, i’ll wait for Momo to get on the forum and confirm all these informations. I would expect him not to lie of course because that would be sad.
The thread owner of this blacklist can only update the blacklist once confirmed the situation - which requires screenshot(s) about what happened For me personally, if neither side have screenshot(s) to show the actual story, it really depends on what the community members choose to believe Perhaps @MOMOBELLA would like to explain his/her side of the story (for clarification's sake)
Okay i totally understand. I appreciate you trying to explain me the requirements. Thank you. And I would very much like to see what they have to say about this.
A personal opinion of this issue. At that moment when he decides to answer you with MW dropped and willing to give you split, you guys are still in decent friendly terms before any arguement happened. Meaning to say he have no intention to BS you in anyway, or he would’ve just straight up gave you a “dry” as reply. I do think the above point is important. Running out of stars and genning the entire arm does happen, I’ve seen enough. If i were in this scenario, i would’ve left the run immediately and not gamble with time genning arms down for a book when it can be used to do something more profitable. Have you ever seen how inefficient and how long it will take for bishop to even gen 5% of the arm? Oh boy i know LOL. At this point it doesn’t matter at what % you DC-ed, but the duration of the full run. But hey, just my 2 cents, unless with duration and SS-es its hard to pinpoint whose at fault.
He didn’t want to share the splits at first, buddy. I could’ve left when the 2 DPS’ dced too but instead i stayed and helped him cause i really thought bringing 2 mules is very harsh. He DID OFFER me 25% of the split(in his defense he said 25% isnt even near to 10 apples). And seriously? The fact that he even considered to lie to me that mw20 didn’t drop is already an a hole move and blacklistable. If you put yourself in his shoes then you should consider put yourself in my shoes too. Imagine staying there for an hour killing 3 heads and 1 wing and one arm and not even getting 10 apples back? Seriously, would you stay and solo HT at 60% HP as a NL without SE? I really freaking hope he’s happy with the mw20 money. Hope it’s worth it.
Bye. i want to believe that i could trust Random people but it will be hard after the recent events thanks for the support though.
Can you include - which mules is he using - what attacker class and level are both you guys on? Thank you! Please do share in detail
I completely disagree. If Momobella had replied with "dry", I would consider it a full 1.8b~ scam since they would be lying about the drop. This is equivalent to picking up gen20 in the corner of Zakum map and not telling anyone (before the chat message update). Being a decent and honest player about any drop is the least anyone can do, and this situation is of course included. Anything less is simply a scam. Additionally, no one forced momobella to gen the rest of horntails HP. If it was that much of a bother - the crystal was right there. You can't blame other people for your unpreparedness and for the effort that YOU choose to put in. And on that note, the mules for more splits argument is nullified since mules, while they do require more effort, are brought solely for NX grab and nothing more. Also, no sane Nightlord (especially one with a low amount of stars) would ever consider soloing HT without SE. As a result, the SEs contribution to the run can not be understated, i.e. without him the run would be a fail. Think of yourself in a horntail run. Would you accept a small split or no split at all after you spent over an hour in horntail, and having used 10 apples? I find that hard to believe. Above all this, the fact that you Jooon are supporting your fellow Rogue member is not surprising. Who would choose to side with a stranger instead of a long-time friend? Adding the fact that Rogues reputation is that of an elitist guild who checks your gear and range, and mostly consists of "sweaty" players, this seems an open-and-shut case. EDIT: Someone reported my post so I had remove a couple words. L M A O
He had an HS mule and CR mule. He was a NL. I dont quite remember his level but i’m 182. And i dont think those things have anything to do with the mw20’s split money. He got all the nx and the rest of the drops. I’m sure that’s enough for him to buy himself a nice piece of something to satisfy his greed.
Very fair reply, though I'd like to correct that when a NL has no SE and is on arm solo. its possible to drain your stars quite a fair bit, as we all know this class is horrible without it. Especially after a full 85%-90% run. I do feel its reasonable to give that term "BS" a benefit of doubt. While i am indeed Momobella's guild member. I'm also in a spot to recommend whether should the mesos to be dispersed to "JuicyFatD" Elitist sweaty and selfish is of course up to your decision, but i believe its only right for us to make this scenario clear as day simply because it would be the guild that disperse the mesos out to repay the victim if this is indeed falls under a "scam". I would love to hear more from @Crackhead123 So Bishop mule, Crash mule and Night Lord. ( This is indeed sweaty ) While you are a BM/MM at level 182? I do think its a scenario where momo might felt "overworked" throughout the 3 heads and to top it off - solo the remaining with a SE-less NL only to run out of star - genning the rest with his Bishop mule. - put in a spot to give a fair 50% split. Please let me know whether if this is correct, or i might be misunderstanding something.
I really appreciate your effort into trying to repay the money for him. But you guys privately discussed what amount i should get which i already saw and i still dont think it’s fair tbh. Kinda bias if you ask me that MOMOBELLA’s guildies made a poll to decide how much split money i should get dont you think? I would like to discuss this while MOMOBELLA’s in present thank you very much. It would also be fair too if my guildies can join and vote on the poll that you guys showed me.
Unfortunately because it is coming out from our guild's pocket, I'm unable to participate you guys in this exciting activity. For you to be spending your time running with Rogue's member and coming into this situation is indeed unfortunate, and rogue will go an extra mile to make the Mesos distribution is fair. To a extend I do understand as a player that its very normal for a player to feel uncomfortable and unfair for a 50/50 distribution in terms of effort & time. Please do share your opinion on how much mesos do you think you should receive. Momobella - Bishop mule, Crash mule and Night Lord. JuicyFatD - BM/MM at level 182? Please confirm if this is correct as well, thank you!
I’m not talking about your guild. I’m talking about MOMOBELLA as an individual. He took the MW20 so he should stand up for himself and use that money to share the split money. You guys take no parts in this. If you care about your guild’s reputation you should stop taking responsibilties for his actions. You’re not his mum or dad. The fact that you’re pointing out details on how hard he ‘worked’ to lowball the split money is actually funny. And no i dont think he felt overworked at all as he said himself he was willing to solo EVEN IF I LEFT AT 65% (which is completely bs) anyway and he was in a 3 hours run before. I can’t confirm if he gene on his bishop or not cause i was not there. AND NO he DID NOT offer me 50% splits. Honestly the fact that we have to argue about how much split money i should get is sad. He should have some common sense and just split it anyway.
To clarify on my side, here are just a few points that I would like to mention regarding JuicyFatD’s statements: 1. If I had no intention of sharing the splits at first, I would have replied you that it was a dry run when you asked me. I believe when we were talking about the drops, we were in friendly terms at the beginning. So, you asked for 80% of the split (around 800m as you mentioned). To be honest, considering that I spend a long time solo-ing both arms (NL run out of stars and gen the rest of the run) after you dced, what I had in mind was to give you 25% split, which means assuming mw20 is 1.8b, you get 1.8b * 25% = 450mil. Then, you said all you want is to get your 10 apples back. To which I replied that the split that I was going to give you is definitely not just 10 apples (~450m vs 10 apples?). "in his defense he said 25% isnt even near to 10 apples" I’m not sure if I was having a typing mistake or you misunderstood my English, I was saying that 25% is definitely more than 10 apples. And if you think about the math, you should be able to figure out that 25% can’t be “isn’t even near to 10 apples”. "He then claimed that he would’ve gone and soloed anyway even if i left. Let’s be honest here, that’s straight up bs " I said this because you mentioned that if it weren’t for you (if you had dced earlier), I wouldn’t have finished the HT run. I can't guarantee for sure that I will finish the entire run on solo. But to be honest, that day I was in good mood during the run, so even if you dced, I will carry on to solo the HT, although I might give up later. 2. From my 2 years experience of bossing in Royals, it is a rule of thumb that the host decides the % of the splits and nx priority in HT runs. I personally think that the amount of split that you wanted was not what I had in mind, I wanted to give you 25% split (~450m) and that’s what I told you as well. If you are not satisfied with this amount, you could’ve have nego with me to reach a consensus. But right after I mentioned about 25% split, you said “keep your money” and went to blacklist me. And now you’re claiming that I didn’t want to share the splits at first, which is completely not true, because if I didn’t want to share the split, why would I bother telling u that mw20 was dropped? 3. " The fact that he even considered to lie to me that mw20 didn’t drop is already an a hole move and blacklistable." Just for clarification, I said this after you said “thanks for letting you know how selfish I am” towards the end of the conversation I believe, then only I replied that if I’m truly selfish, I would not even tell you that mw20 dropped. 4. If you are not satisfied with the 25% split that I proposed, you could’ve just nego with me on the spot instead of go angry and blacklist me just because you are dissatisfied. I did mention that the splits are definitely more than your 10 apples, and it is not “small split or no split at all” (25% aka ~450m). 5. The 50% split that Joon mentioned above refers to (assuming mw20 is 1.8b), 50% split he mentioned is referring to (1.8b /2) * 50% = 450mil, which is the same thing as what I said about 25% split (1.8b*25% = 450mil).
Friendly term sure. But did you have any intetion sharing the splits at first? NO. Dont even try to lie. 80% as in split in two and then you can keep the 20%(which is like 300m+), that was my first offer. Is it not enough for you? You did not solo completely both arms. I helped you a lot when it almost died. I LITERALLY ASKED YOU ‘CAN I JUST HAVE MY 10 APPLES BACK’ and you said ‘not even 10 i would say cause i brought 2 mules’. The hypocricy LMFAO Sure hosts get to decide BEFORE THE RUN NOT LIKE 1 HOUR AND A HALF IN. You don’t get to decide my split after i helped you 80% of the run. Yeah and? You still considered to actually lie about the drop lmao. As Yoav said, it would be a total scam if you actually lied about it. And you still have the audacity to bring that up again? I DID TRY TO NEGOTIATE WITH YOU BUT YOU IGNORED ME FOR LIKE FOREVER. I said ‘how about 60%(which is like 600m in my opinion). You still got to keep ~1.2b. Is it still not enough for you? Honestly keep your money. I dont give a crap honestly. The fact that you had to keep on lying about this STILL… it’s just too much for me. Keep the money and buy yourself something nice babes. But you’re still in my blacklist and a lot of peoples blacklist too. Have a goodnight.
Again, i really dont care what you guys think about this situation. But this person is a pathetic liar. I have no need to prove anything to anyone anymore. He can keep the split money. Done. I really dont need it. I really hope you’re happy with the money you earned by SOLOING. It’s up to you guys to decide who to believe. I really dont give a f. Goodbye.
if i dont hv any intention to share the splits, why would i ask "how much you wan from the splits?" do math bro, 20% = 300m? (1.8b/2)*20% = 180 mil. Right after u said just give you back your 10 apples, i said "DEFINETLY NOT 10 APPLES, I THINKING ABOUT giving you 25% OF THE SPLITS". And you gone mad and said " keep the mesos", DO U EVEN DO MATH? You're the 1 twist the true story, true story are both nl DCed @50% hp of ht, u dced 30% of the whole HT, u said arm's was dying before u dced? Did u see any seduce notices from arms? u know how many gelt i used after u dced just to get the "Yellow NOTICES"?