Hello, im new to the Hp washing method, thus this thread is just for making sure I dont do any stupid mistakes. Following this excellent guide: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/night-lord-shadower-hp-washing-above-20k-hp.146816/ I intend to Acheive 12k Hp at Level 135, and as well to have an option of acheiving 16.5k Hp at later stage if needed to ensure myself the option of doing all content of end game. I can allocate the funds to get 80-85int Equips. I would love to get your help with understanding how much int base I should aim to, How much Apr's I would approximatly need. Moreover, if any one will to paitiently explain me the proccess (more details then what i write below) in order to achive this HP goal I would appriceate it alot. As of my understanding: 1-30: Follow exactly the guide. 31- 70: Hp washing, which means when I'll level I need to: put 5 Ap in +Hp, then use 5 APR's to -Mp and +Int 71- 135: Mp washing, which means when I'll level I need to: put 5 Ap in +Mp, then use 5 APR's to -Mp and +Int/(Luk if reached to required Int base). Afterwards just Hp wash again, and finally convert my Int stats into Luk. I'll be glad for someone to approve or to elaborate more for more exact calculations (I have MW20 and plan to leech all way up to 135). Thank you very much, stay safe!
Based on Shiyui's calculator, apparently around 110 base INT is all you need. You can adjust around there. I estimated 16.5k for level 180 which should be 'end game' enough. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/bKh5b5k/101.png You're correct
Im dont know how fund you are but im pretty sure you might come up short somewhere at step 2 due to lack of mp. I think u should hit at least 200int(mayb 250int). Wash hp to 3.3k+ at lvl 50 to get zhelm. The rest ap will be used when u hit 135, u can wash at your design (idk mayb u change ur mind and want more hp at that time) Apr needed for 12k at 135 is around 700 +-150 more to get that 16.5k
Thank you guys for your replies. I decided finally to go for 215 Base int + 85int Equips. Just to make sure: I will reach my base Int at level 45, Thus as I'm still at the phase of Hp washing, I need to Hp wash into Luk after reaching my base int, correct? As well, I Mp wash from 71-135 but I Mp wash straight into Luk as I already acheived my Int base, correct as well? Lastly, does it matter if I Put all 5 fresh Ap in Mp/Hp and then do the 5 Ap resets? or I should to do 1 fresh Ap into Mp/Hp and then 1 Ap reset, repeating this process 5 times? Thank you!
Can you elaborate a little bit more, please? I shouldn't follow the guide in the first comment of the thread? I mean, I dont need to wash Mp until Lvl 135?
The guide is written by experienced people so no doubt about it. U can follow 1st step, im not sure about 2nd step cuz limitation of extra mp to hp wash every lvl to 70 You can mp wash every lvl in 3rd step but it might be over wash. All u need to do is get that 3.3k hp and goal int, the ress ap just leave them till 135, do 4th job(also hp quest) ,ss and show me ur stat, i can calculate the minimum amount of apr you need
You're not too late. You will need to do some calculations to check how much base INT to achieve and how much from gears. Daily HP quest can help a lot once you reached 120.
In that case, we don't recommend HP washing your current NL. HP washing is for funded people, but it is optional. It's not wrong to play an NL without HP washing. My first NL was total vanilla, and I did some daily HP quests + washed out extra MP to get more HP.