Hello, I haven't played in for few months and I tried to log in then realised my account got deleted or blocked from connection All Your Character Names: HorKaSai or xHorKaSai Last thing you did: Can't really rmb, I think killing the lion dance monster Why do you think you got banned?: haven't played in months Ban message when attempting to log in: this account has been blocked/deleted What GM banned you (optional): Hi GM Please help! I want to come back and play!
There are several other characters you haven't listed. By the looks of it, you have been permanently banned for real-world trading. Spoiler: MapleRoyals TOS Major Infraction: Real-World Trading Punishment: Permanent ban. Real World Trading - The act of exploiting the software or the game for any sort of commercial purpose, including buying or selling items, Mesos, or services for real-world currency or barter. Additionally, any and all solicitation, advertisement, or other promotion of the aforementioned, irrespective of the location of the act. Real World Trading involves the transaction of out-of-game services, items, or currency for in-game benefits. We understand that some players are interested in other activities, such as arts, crafts, or Twitch Streaming, and may wish to compensate those who assist them from either side with in-game benefits. However, this does place a player in a situation where they may be considered to have participated in real-world trading, at the discretion of Staff. We advise against any and all of these sorts of Meso-for-art trades. Furthermore, the act of soliciting real-world trading does qualify as an infraction of this rule, both in-game and out of the game, and therefore requesting any in-game item for real-world currencies or vice versa may result in consequences as per this rule at the discretion of Staff. For live streaming or similar content, the content creator should ensure they do not offer in-game items or services in exchange for followers, subscribers, donations, or anything else that may constitute real-world benefits. If a content creator wishes to give away items or Mesos, this must be done fairly to all viewers and not specifically for followers, subscribers, or donators. Additionally, content creators must not incentivize following, subscribing, or donating by rewarding such acts with in-game benefits. Please elaborate on how you were able to obtain the following, despite starting your MapleRoyals journey in December 2021: 139 NL with 13500 HP 18 WA sock 22 BWG 20 PGC 91/19 RC Please do your best to describe the origin of every item listed separately. Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this asap! :3 You can still comment on this ticket despite the closed thread prefix if you wish to continue the process of your appeal.