I LOVE CALISTHENICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSTANT INVITE!!!!!!!!! incredible gains ahead of you my friend
IGN: nicetomeetme Why would you like to join: Maple will always have my heart. Coming back, looking to play with people! Recent heroic think you have done: Went to work.
IGN : iihkmikey77 Why would you like to join :Just came back to play and i have no friends on royals Recent heroic thing you have done : helping people out
IGN: what2do Reason for wanting to join: Hello members of Heroic. I came back to royals after 4 years of not playing, introduced my friend to royals and have begun a new journey. Having no capabilities of making new friends with a consistent friendship. I figured it is time to join a guild to create maybe someone I could call a brother. I really appreciate the amount of work you guys put into the work of requesting players. Recent Heroic thing you have done: Remind a woman that she's beautiful when her husband couldn't. :O HAHA
"Gojo-kun" I'll send you an invite when I see you online. To find me online I'd be in ch 11. with either PvtKalia or PvtCharlotte. Look forward to having you in guild!
IGN: Sueos Reason for wanting to join: hello! my name is Brandon and i recently got back into playing mapleroyals and want a community to be a part of while i play this game looking for ppl who i can train with/just talk to while playing maplestory and overall just feel included haha Recent Heroic thing you have done: i just dropped my parents off @ the airport todya at 8 am o__o
IGN: AlfaMage Reason for wanting to join: Playing maple was a big part of my childhood and playing it nowadays its just wonderful! I love the community, the monsters, bosses, and i need to be part of an active guild to really feel all this again <3 Recent Heroic thing you have done: I've been together with my mom at the hospital, since she tried to take her own life, but thankfully she is better now. I stood at her side trying to keep her happy and feeling loved. I know this is maybe too hard to tell here.. but was it :/
That was very sweet (and heroic!) of you to do that for your mom. I'll add you to the guild when I hop on. Welcome!!!
I love being a member of this guild. The leader has a supportive and positive personality, and goes out of his way to help and accommodate guild members.
IGN: Smeng Been playing on and off for a while now, just decided to start playing again after about a 2 year break. Would love to be part of a friendly community to good around and just enjoy the game with together. I play in PDT time zone usually late at night or afternoons if i dont work Last Heroic thing i did: was sneak my friends into the Coachella music festival
IGN: Agea Why would you like to join? It's been about 15 years since I last played Maplestory, and I recently joined just to have some good old nostalgic fun. I'm basically playing like I used to, just exploring, sometimes grinding, trying to PQ, etc. etc. I'd love to have a guild of people who I can ping for some partying fun. Recent heroic thing you have done? Donated some money to someone anonymously.