So i was looking to gain some fame, and i saw that i could get 5 fame rather easily, all i had to do was talk to some npc, gather some dry sticks and then kill Stumpy. When i got the quest to kill Stumpy, i was stuck because people goes around and kill all of the bosses on all channels. This is fine and all. but it makes it really annoying to complete quests. I think that the respawn timer for some overworld bosses is 3 hours. I have no idea when Stumpy was killed, but i waited for 1 hour and 30 minutes, and he hadn't spawned. I was really lucky the day after, I just logged in and there he was and he was only on that channel aswell. This is not only an issue for Stumpy, but for all of the bosses that you need to kill for a quest. I would like to see a mini dungeon or something like that, that can only be accessed if you have the quest and you can only enter ones, as to not make it an exploitable farming method. This would definitely help you complete those quests.
Finding these bosses is part of the challenge to complete these quests. We have no plans about making separate boss rooms for quests.
So what would happen if there are ill-intentioned people and they spend it killing over and over again without having a quest or something like that?