Hi royalers and the staff team, I would like to bring up the issue of mystic door to be fully functional at Neo Tokyo as it eases the travelling of players. The mystic door should be able to take players back to the crystal at the beginning of each year. I have tested every map at Neo Tokyo and below is the breakdown. The breakdown Zipangu 2100: Odaiba Harbour – You either crash exiting map or You can use mystic door exiting but not entering Zipangu 2100: Odaiba Port – You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2095: Park Hideout - You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2095: Park Outskirts - You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2102: Akihabara Shelter - You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2102: Akihabara Rooftops - You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2102: Old Fox Flagship Bow - You cannot use mystic door on this map Zipangu 2102: Old Fox Flagship - You can use mystic door exiting but not entering I would like to hear what other players feel about this and the staff team to take this issue into consideration. Thank you for reading! Alex~
Would be nice for Nibergen & Vergamot. I'm not entirely sure why mystic door doesn't work when every other boss allows you to basically door up to the entrance. On a side note you can teleport out to Mushroom shrine using Strawberry Milk for most of these maps, which can make exiting the area fast, nearest town scrolls return you to the Crystal - that might be common knowledge though
I totally support it because it's a time savior, but besides fixing the wired door behavior, I got another wish that is monster card effects won't be wipe out when backing to Shrine or Showa(i.e. the milks reply above mentioned), so we can recharge ammunition before going next content needing the buff. Vergamot card and Nibergen card can provide +50% drop rate in NT area, and Auf Haven card can provide +100%. Those effects last 20mins and affected by alchemist so I usually take those cards then fast kill next boss(25 mins total for recharging and moving characters and so on), that means I have higher drop rate for white scroll fragment and etc. Currently, I have to tell my friend recharge stars for me and plan everything before looting the card that makes me nervous always.
I don't really have any objections to allowing doors as @Al3x has suggested. This is reasonable, considering we've made the change for Papulatus card effect (allowing it to work in Ludibrium Town itself, instead of just Deep Ludi.) We'll look at this!