Hi all, I hope everyone is doing great! I'll keep this post short and sweet. I have a very minor suggestion of increasing the movement speed while traveling from Leafre to Temple of Time, and/or increasing the speed at which you can ascend/descend. Currently the movement speed isn't horrible due to being able to hold down jump. However descending back to the ground takes too long, for no apparent reason. Obviously, this is nothing dire or game-breaking but I think these maps are super unique and aesthetically pleasing. They're also a fun map to hang out in! I could also suggest for fast travel to be enabled to ToT with a Ticket, but the travel to ToT is definitely unique among all of the different ships/routes in the game. What do you guys think, should fast travel be an option? Should neither of my suggestions be implemented? Thank you for your time and I'd love to hear respectful feedback from any/everyone below. Happy Royaling
I don't know about changing the speed, but I have an "optimal" speedrun route to ToT after having to clear all the frigging "kill 999" quests... There are 2 maps to fly across as a dragon. For the first segment, always just hold jump. For the second segment, hold jump until the moment timer hits 52 seconds, then stop jumping and just descend diagonally. You'll descend just in time to touch the portal exactly. Total timesave is... 5 seconds... but uh yeah that's the fastest method I found. Hope it helps.
You hold down and automatically teleport to ToT or Leafre when you reach the bottom (under the clouds). It's faster than moving to the portal.
Oh whoa that's new to me. I assume you hold space thru the first map then descend on the second map? I'll have to try it out later.
You can only teleport to ToT from leafre if you go down into the clouds on the 2nd map vice versa If you go down into the clouds on first map you get teleported to the map you came from
Yes, if you go down into Zakum area lava and die, you get teleported to El Nath. On topic: It would be nice to have faster descending speed, but it's not that concerning.