our Character Names: LILDEJERRY Last thing you did: hp quest Why do you think you got banned?: account sharing? Ban message when attempting to log in: id/connection blocked when trying to log in What GM banned you (optional): N/A
Thanks for the ban, finally can end my torment, this game is so addictive and taking up so much of my life hours xD But for the IGN KUER she never do anything actually, she is my gf in real life and i taught her to play, i did all the votes, possible to unban for her? Nothing much in her inventory anyway. She play maple as a dressing game~_~
Did you two apply to the voting whitelist beforehand by any chance? if not, I couldn't lift the ban...
No we never, cause we stay different places, and most of the time we vote in our own houses. So i assume its 2 households right. On weekend, we will go to each other's house to play, and u can see the vote log, Monday-Friday different IP, weekends the same IP for Feb-April. I started to play on January. cause after CNY patch my client has been super lag until can not play at all so i just go her house to play.