すべてのキャラクター名:AUbyKDDI 最後にしたこと:イベントボス なぜあなたは禁止されたと思いますか?:複数の打ち上げ? ログインしようとしたときのメッセージを禁止する:これは削除されたIDであり、接続がブロックされてい ますGMがあなたを禁止したもの(オプション):わからない 禁止の理由 イベントを楽しみたい
Hello! Can you please list all of the characters you have created during your playtime with MaplerRoyals? MapleRoyalsのプレイを開始してから作成したすべてのキャラクターをリストしてください。
You may have made a mistake AUbyKDDI FASE3LOVE FACE3LOVE ILOVEFACE3 AUbyKDD1 I am Japanese and use a translation site. I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong English
Thank you for your quick reply! I couldn't find the characters named FASE3LOVE and ILOVEFACE3. However, It looks like you have been permanently banned for macro botting. Spoiler: MapleRoyals TOS Major Infraction: Game Hacking Punishment: Permanent ban. Game Hacking - The act of using or benefiting from any third-party program or macro program, editing or defacing any part of the game to gain any sort of advantage over other players, or otherwise selling, advertising, distributing, or posting information related to the act. You are allowed to rebind keys in a 1:1 action matter with third-party software as there is no direct benefit in doing that overusing the default keys. We also allow the use of controllers and remapping software for example, as long as the player can reply while playing to not be mistaken for a bot. Please be aware that scripted macro programs which control your character will be considered a game hack and subject to punishment under this rule, and not under Moderate Infraction - 5. Robotic Play.
Sadly, your ban will remain indefinite as you have gained an unfair advantage over other players. 悲しいことに、あなたは他のプレイヤーに対して不当なアドバンテージを得ているので、あなたの禁止は無期限のままになります。
Sadly, no. Once a permanent ban is given to a player, he is no longer welcome to play MapleRoyals as a person. 悲しいことに、いいえ。プレイヤーに恒久的な禁止が与えられると、そのプレイヤーはMapleRoyalsを人としてプレイすることを歓迎しなくなります。
I had one idea That is the use of the rapid fire function. I didn't understand that using this feature violated the rules. Would you like to have a time limit? please.
The rapid-fire function would fall under what we consider macro botting, and by doing so you have gained an unfair advantage over other players. Once a permanent ban for game hacking is given, the only circumstance it would be lifted under is if it was given to you by mistake. After I reviewed the evidence against you the second time, it doesn't look like it is the case. I'm really sorry if that's not the reply you were hoping for, but your permanent ban will remain. ラピッドファイア機能は、マクロボッティングと見なされる機能に該当します。そうすることで、他のプレイヤーよりも不当なアドバンテージを得ることができます。ゲームハッキングの恒久的な禁止が与えられると、それが解除される唯一の状況は、それが誤ってあなたに与えられた場合です。私があなたに対して2回目の証拠を検討した後、それはそうではないように見えます。それがあなたが望んでいた返事でないなら、本当に申し訳ありませんが、あなたの永久的な禁止は残ります。
I used a pad with a continuous firing function. It was one that would fire continuously, even unintentionally, when the button was pressed. Please please please please reconsider.