ALL Your Character Names: Leavings, KnoxHunter, Knoxz, Minecrack, RogerHitThat, Knox420, Digitol Why do you think you got banned?: i need a break from royals... What GM banned you (optional): Any GM! I'd like a self ban for a month I understand the ban cannot be lifted before the date.
Hello may i ask for another month off royals pls or do i need to make another self ban request or how can i keep my account locked till i get back?
Hi Knoxz, Just so there is no confusion. Your previous Self-Ban will expire in approximately 22 hours from now. You wish to extend your self-ban for an additional 4 months? And if so, as is protocol for any self-ban, you understand it cannot be lifted under any circumstance?
Yes sir I'm sorry i didn't know it was lifted in 22 hours but yeah i understand and thank you very much sir! Have a great day!