Don't think it'll be a problem, but from what I know attackers are either accepted or rejected based on their range, if it's too low, then I think the odds of being rejected are higher. not sure tho, don't have a NL main
SE mule doesn't really matter imo, it's like MW20. Everyone wants it so someone else probably already has it. The actual problem is that NLs are a popular class. The underlying reason why a party might reject you probably isn't because you don't have an SE mule, but instead because 6 other attackers replied to the same smega as you. But people don't want to split the profits, so it becomes a competition. If you want to be picked you need to stand out from the rest. Having an SE/SI/HS/CR is one way to differentiate yourself from other attackers. Having fantastic range is another. Offering to not take profit, only exp, is another. Being in the same guild or buddylist of the recruiter is another. So if you want to be accepted at bosses, SE mule is one way but not the only way. See what else you're willing to do and do it. Source: I tried (and failed) to do the same thing. I'm an SE main now
Yes make a SE mule. Because everyone has them. Like airpods, its cool. But honestly no you don’t need to. I can’t rmb the last time i used my SE mule