Just failed achilles 30 book 10 times in a row. Something definitely is wrong with the PRNG. Still didn't land it. Donation anyone?
Assuming people get average 1 cs/ws in 3 stacks, I lost 11cs/ws Assuming people sell apr, I lost 3b Assuming I sold nx 1:4, I lost 3.96b. But this is not entirely accurate because the 1155 tickets I used has gotten me some junk here and there that I could sell. I get an average of 30m per 35 tickets
Out of the 24 stacks of gacha I did at NLC, I only got 5 ele wand 5s, only 2 decent tma. c1rm2 top right kekw
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/TgrJpxD/more-to-come.png 400 eggs Anyone mind sharing their average stats to get any 60% scroll / 1% CSS / CS (ultra rate?)?
#5 Dinoponera(Dark Knight) I was planning to make lvl 400 party at this weekend with my 2nd hero. I bring my DK to auf as HB mule and leech for the very last 20mil exp. I was confident that RG gives me about 15mil leech exp for my DK. but in fact RG gave me more than 20mil exp then i fucked up . Accident does happen. It is something that out of your expectation. I had really special feeling when I leveled my Dk accidentally. complex mixed feeling with anger sadness and happiness. i really encourage ppl to level 200 accidentally when you have multiple 200s and dont feel leveling 200 is an accomplishment anymore . i bet it is gonna be really special 200 to you but the thing is no one can control accident . Spoiler: thx for the GZs Spoiler: My only guest Thx for being my only guest to my 200 party. At least i wasnt alone. Done with all warriors 200.
Leveled at Odaiba Harbor an hour ago. Golden Mushroom just spawned there. Would have cc'd and gotten it if I had trained a little later.
Went to farm for bearwolves etc for prequest when it was in fm shops smh.. Also had thought that prequest items were untradeable.
Lost ~10min to this unlucky drop, preventing candles from spawning Not a huge loss but sure feels bad man