Please let me know if you are down to duo scarga or just scarlion every day. I need scarlion helms, if you need targa that’s perfect, if you also need scarlion we can take turn to loot. I’m available every day from reset to 4 hours after reset. Feel free to leave a msg here or pm me in game.
Hello, I would be available only during weekend if you still need someone. I can fight both scarlion and targa on my DK and loot targa helms on my NL. You can buddy me GiveUpAndDie if you're interested.
Hello, I would be available only during weekend if you still need someone. I can fight both scarlion and targa on my Hero and loot targa helms on my BS/Hermits. You can buddy me JohnBrzenk if you're interested.
I'm interested in this, although I don't have a playing time schedule. buddy me, IGN is Javier. hit me up whenever we're online and we could run!
Hi, I just sent you a buddy request in game. Let’s figure out a schedule together whenever we are both online. Weekend works for me.