This is one thing I never understood. I came originally from MapleSEA, which Kachuu Musha hits: 2.5k on shockwave 8k on lightning / body damage. which is absolutely bearable However in this server, probably other servers of maple story as well, it hits a flipping 12k on shockwave? How is this fair? It doesn't give a lot of EXP nor drops, but it deals DOUBLE the damage of HT, probably higher than Auf's damage too. A shockwave being a long range attack, should deal lesser damage because it is easy to pull, but it 1 hits almost everyone that don't do HP washing... How is this low level boss dealing one of the highest damage in the server? I would suggest to at least half the damage, to maybe 5k on shockwave, but fair to remain the current damage on lightning and body damage because it should be a risk to get that close. This way it will be possible for ranged class to kill it WITHOUT HP washing.
Just to add on, I spawned it on 5 channels back to back, FOR FUN. I just left because I decided it was NOT WORTH IT to kill it. It costs at least 200 milks as a shad, (PE for other classes) just for that few exp. totally not worth the cost.
200 milks costs about ~1m, and 200 PEs might run you around 3m. The armor piece he drops usually sells for around 10m in FM. Sounds like profit to me
Okay, cool that generates profit but. 1. You can't get the money if you cant even survive one hit. 2. Not everyone hunts it for profit 3. If we go with a party, I don't think we want to go through the hassle to constantly keep in touch with the leader, just to collect the sales proceed.
All of this is true and reasonable. However, if this boss doesn't really give great XP as you say, why bother farming it in the first place? Lowering its damage would just make getting armor pieces harder, as it would probably get hyper farmed due to lack of difficulty and ez armor pieces. I think Samurai is fine, as it functions similarly to Bigfoot or Anego; solid chunk of XP for an area boss, but does high damage to make up for it. Also, if you have an archer, you can cheese the hell out of Samurai with puppet and never get hit.
The way I see it is samurai is another alternative to level up from 120-135, of course bigfoot & anego (range only) are other alternatives. At lease back in the official server, this boss wasn't hunted for the bounty, for exp rather. If it is hyper farmed, the armor pieces wouldn't be harder. There will be much supply and therefore the price should go down, maybe people just throw it out to you? Unless you are saying the farmers hoard it for absolutely no reason.
Correct. But finding a Samurai even now isn't always easy, and lower damage could nearly guarantee you have to buy armor pieces as opposed to getting one yourself. Also yes, I wouldn't be surprised if farmers hoard their items to control the price.
You could try using Amorian Basket(+40 avoid)/Bubble Gum(+90 avoid) and Sunblock(+200 mdef) to reduce the damage you take. Also I'm not sure if on shad, is it possible to dark sight the magic attack? I don't have a shad so I wouldn't know.
wouldn't that mean a lot of preparations, and farming just to get some handy exp? I don't think it will be worth farming at cwkpq just for this. For the point on darksight, No, you can dodge physical damage but not magical. In fact this makes it very risky for shads. You dark sight every 2 seconds to cast assasinate, it is not rare to end up in a situation where: you cast dark sight after an attack Even if you have auto HP on, your pet will "Spam" the HP pot but nothing is consumed - you remain low HP. If you do not cancel dark sight (cast assasinate) perhaps due to latency issues before the next hit, you die. So my point is, so much cost, so much risk, but little reward. I remember finding more than 5 channels with samurai spawn, however I just gave up all of them because the costs and risks are not justified by the reward.
BF is only body damage, range attackers wont get hit Melee users usually have enough HP to tank it Anego’s magic is practically melee range There is no way you can effectively dodge kachuu musha’s shockwave (Unless you are a bowman and SOLO it)