Oulala.. You fabulous! Get your hands on this peculiar overall from an event of russian roulette that took place in 2019. This green fine fabric was a second place prize, and YOU just might be the one wearing it now S/B: 4b A/W: - Changed to straight sale and: Sold to @Nerd for 2.5bil straight, the overall has a new home now. Price reference for 1st and 3rd place overalls: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-blue-bruma-rare-nx-from-event.147811/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-red-bruma-rare-event-nx-item.147813/ And a sweet memory: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/latest-accomplishment-thread.2508/page-380#post-874098 The memory will thankfully still be there Fund me people
For this kind of item I'll just bump from time to time, maybe each time after a while. If anyone is interested in NX that is not commonly around, this NX item is still available. Make yourself green, fabulous green!