Glad you like it ..sorry it took ..ehhh.. months for me to get to finish it ^^' thanks for being patient c:
Hi hope you're doing well. If you don't mind could I swap my character request to IGN: UberCowKing please? Thanks!
Your art is amazing.. Never was into this signature thing, but i'd like to have this on my acc :O Please add me on list!
I'm on my phone right now but once I log on here from a comp I'll change your ign in the list ... trying to edit from a phone doesn't work too well x_x;
@Senpai Shrek SenpaiShrek ....ehhh.. drew this a weekish or something ago but forgot to post it..sorry ^^'
Love your pictures! Could you please make one for me as well ? +) I would like the dark background like Marty's!