Hi there, I believe some of us have realised that the anniversary mushroom store's clickable area is quite wide. I am not sure if it is intended, and how it was in previous years. In my following screenshot, my cursor is already at other people's store (which normally allows me to enter their store) - but I still ended up clicking into the anniversary mushroom store. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/ng4p0HB/1.png
Thank you for bringing this issue up for me to see! I'll be making some minor adjustment to the clickable area of the store so this issue won't be happening again soon
Its a feature for buying the new store merchant. More people will click on your store either intentionally/unintentionally and buy your stuff kekw
Although the anniversary event is end. But I want to know how do I enter the shop on the left of the door 1-15.
I tried to get an idea of how bad this is, and Holy crap. The anniversary shop's box completely covers and extends beyond the reaches of even the shop above it there is absolutely no way to click on the shop. I even tried clicking slightly outside even the top shops window where im not actually click the box and im STILL clicking the shop below it. This is brutally broken lol