accomplished a small goal 1/1 30% 1/3 10% 1/16 10% I want to thank you for always supporting me love you @TheRadiant
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/TYZZTgt/event-3.png finally won my first event! but the real prize is the friendsorum likes we made along the way~
Came back to the game since feb about a week ago. My i/l went from 85-> 103. Working on saving meso for leech & making equips for myself.
Went from 103 -112 today Gached blessed me with a taru totem while looking for an ele wand 7 and white racc masked. Was able to get some leech, and grinded for a long time today. Really productive for my maple life, not so much for my real life lmao
Another 200? Honestly made this shad like 2 years ago as a meme and didn't think much about it, but the last few months has been a fun time with many new goons along the way. Ty Rice and Trinity and ofc shad > NL, <3
After 2 years of fairly casual play finally got my first perfect weapon! Told myself I'd want to self scroll one eventually so that's next up on the list
Finally got every single Chair Gachapon tradeable chair after starting my chair collecting journey late 2018 - early 2019. Spoiler: Chair Tax (this is what 90-100b of chairs looks like) I'm too lazy to cross out the non-chair gachapon chairs I got 3-4 more chairs left to buy and then I have every single one of them~
I'm back, with more nx overload, hunted, warm and fresh! Thanks to those who supported me in daily runs of auf/zk and others! Will my next goal be to reach 300 tickets?
when I finish the challenge, I start again, a year ago and something else I made 100, now it's 200, I plan to make 300 but it will take more time: 3 haha greetings!