Hi guys! I'm kubzi, in my thirties (wow I'm old as heck), and I used to play Maple Story global wayyy back in '05/'06. Anybody from that era remember when Tiger was max level??? So now I'm back, feeling VERY nostalgic, but I haven't played the game in well over 15 years so I'm really rusty. I used to play a priest/bishop so I'm starting as a cleric, still getting my bearings and slowly remembering everything again. The music makes my heart melt. Anyway, I'm looking for friends, new and old players alike. My IGN is kubzi. Would love to hear from people who played old school MS and relive the good old times! <3
Wow, this must be next level nostalgic for you, if this is honestly the 1st time you're back in the game since '05/'06. Also, tbh, I feel like 90~% of the players in the server are from that same era, which is nice, isn't it. Enjoy the server!
Yup, it's great! I've tried returning a few times over the years but it was never the MS that I remembered which is sad really. So much has changed, and barely any of it is recognisable to me, so I love that there is a classic server for us oldies
hola bienvenido to mapleroyals server I'm player 2005 to 2007 South America add me in friend xArcamgelx good vibes recruir people friendly unity loyal for me Guild habe nice week comrade