No one recruits bishop to targa & scarlion. Zakum Helmet has a lvl50 entry for bishop. If you are buying service, targa/scarlion/zakum helmet all works! edit, Update for bishop guide by Sept.
some things I would add to the guide -you should add points to doom a lot earlier. I would personally start adding points to it right after HS and shining ray, it's just so important if you want to do anything by yourself. You can either cap it at 15 or max it (instead of elemental resist) but don't wait all the way until 11x before you start adding points to doom, oh my god. it is so useful in 3rd job, especially for ellin prequest or basically anything that can hurt you. absolutely no way elemental resistance is better than this -always cast doom or HS on a rope if you can because it's faster. doom twice to make sure -whatever key you assign to teleport, make sure it is either shift, ctrl, or alt because on some keyboards you literally cannot telecast unless teleport is on one of those keys. (at least my keyboard works this way) -imo, GS6 is the best ghost ship map because heal hits the bottom when you're standing at the top, so you can turn magic guard off, hold down heal, and braindead afk
Good points on doom & GS6. Will add them in accordingly. i’m reworking the guide i do find there are some points its alittle dated. And its definitely your keyboard haha.
better to play it safe and assign teleport to the correct key from the start than to risk having 90 levels of muscle memory backfire on you e: i suppose you can find out whether your keyboard can tc without ctrl/alt/shift by reassigning jump and seeing if you can jump-attack
Hello, Joon! Just want to know because I am literally super duper confused with Bishop HP Washing like my brain cannot function properly. So, I am aiming for 20k HP & 30K MP Bishop (clean). How do I start it? Like at what LVL should I start doing the washing? Thank you!
Hello! I recommend you to start washing at lvl90! Start with MP into int, and once you’re approaching 30K mp, remove all SP from Max MP increase and minus all AP away from MP into Int. You will want to repeat this as much as you can to keep your MP gain maximized When you feel that you have a large and stable MP Pool, start -MP + HP with Max MP increase at level 0. i’ll have the 30k/30k washing guide updated soon with a more straightforward step by step..
Thank you so much, Joon! I really appreciate it! I'll ask again if ever I'm getting troubles with HP washing
Hello again Joon! Just want to ask again at what level do you recommend to start washing for a 30k hp and 30k mp goal as Bishop? Thank you !
Hihi, good day! Joon has given me the green light to reply on this topic. Firstly, levels are not a good measurement of when to start washing as some might add luk to their mages for whatever reasons. You should use int as a measurement instead. This guide is assuming you are using genesis 30 (3500MP per cast) 1. Begin MP washing at 400 int till you hit 30k MP. 2a. Get 1325 APRs. 2b. Note: Before proceeding with step 2b, ensure step 2a is completed to get the best return for mesos used. (ignore if you are don't want to min-max). Upon hitting 30k MP, buy 10 SP resets (1st job) to reduce the skill "Improved Max MP increase" to level "0". 3. Use the 1325 APRs to reset your MP to 3500MP (enough for 1 genesis cast). 4. Upon hitting 3.5k MP, buy 10 SP resets (1st job) to increase the skill "Improved Max MP increase" back to level "10". At this stage, you should be around 21k HP and 3.5k MP. 5. From here on, you should level your bishop and MP wash every level to build your mana pool back up. Once you have 30k MP for the 2nd time, wash(either the conventional or SP reset method) to push yourself to 30k HP. You can choose to do it with or without calculating the fresh hp gain from leveling up/untradeables 6. Finally, level your bishop up and MP wash till you hit 30k MP. Some videos for you to report so that my youtube account can get ban your perusal
Hey Joon! Could u help me? I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, but i'm a Bishop lvl. 154 and I don't have the enough magic to 1 hit skel. I have good items, mostly better than your phase 3. I don't have MW20. W/ MW10, I got 1206 of magic. What I'm doing wrong?
Do you mind screenshotting your gears for me to take a look? Some investments or tweaks and we should be good to go! I would also recommend you getting mw20, buying a handful spellbound lolipops, and finally, stay at lv154 - 160 and make billions of mesos first!
Horntail Pendant MW20 Add in a spellbound lollipop magic atk pot buff will be more than sufficient for you to 1Hit skeles. Yes it should give you around 39 more magic attack! Horntail pendant will push you around 18 more magic attack and finally the spellbound lollipop buff will add another additional 45 magic attack. Putting you at 1308 magic which is sufficient to 1hit skeles!
Hi, is there a consistent way or spot to dispell defense buff for legs/tail/wings/arms in HT ? Sometimes I randomly did it but not sure how.
Hey your build seems interesting, how would you recommend to build a Priest? Max HS then immediately maxing Shining Ray and start adding Doom with a few points in Door in between?