CLOSE P4SS GOBY LEECH SERVICE ( NOT SURE WHEN COMEBACK ) TY FOR BUYING Hi everyone I'm selling Goby Leech service. I usually online at [ 01:00 ~ 05:00 ] [ 14:00 ~ 18:00 ] Server time If you interested, Reply this thread or send personal message to me for make reservations. ------------------------------------------- Goby Leech ( Low level leech for Lv.38 ~ Lv.67 ) Lv.38 ~ Lv.67 Fast Leveling service ** GOBY LEECH NEED SOMETHINGS FOR STARTING ** <1> Need Pet + Auto HP settings ( about 1.2~1.5k damage for afk, Ice pop at Aqua vendor shop is +2000HP ) <2> Can provide Hyper Body ( x1.6 HP )/ MW20 Service Not sure and there's a little time difference, But i can provide a predicted leech time. [38~45] : around 30 min --- Character changing time --- [45~50] : around 30min --- Character changing time --- [50~55] : around 40min [55~60] : around 50min [60~65] : around 1 hour [65~67] : around 30min === Total around 4 hour for Lv. 38 ~ Lv. 67 === I always accept (meso), (CS = 500m), (WS = 500m), (Bcoins), (Onyx apple = 10m) for paying Have a nice day ! ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Spoiler: Buyer List date // lv range // ign 09/06/22 38~45 Nofyx 09/06/22 38~55 DobbySE 09/06/22 55~67 DobbySE 09/07/22 44~45 modal 09/08/22 44~47 zyun 09/08/22 46~67 Avrenim 09/09/22 47~50 Annieann 09/09/22 50~55 Annieann 09/09/22 43~50 xAE86 09/09/22 51~67 KerpNL 09/10/22 40~51 LynxMocha 09/10/22 54~67 LynxMocha 09/10/22 63~69 xRockStarx 09/11/22 60~67 Annieann 09/11/22 52~67 AuHS 09/11/22 54~67 Gbob 09/12/22 50~67 SinoNL 09/14/22 63~67 hotmoney 09/15/22 49~56 BuccKeAi 09/15/22 49~56 XiaoKeAiv2 09/15/22 51~67 Krembe 09/15/22 38~50 SilkMan 09/16/22 50~60 NotCupid 09/16/22 44~51 yuac 09/17/22 51~60 yuac 09/17/22 44~51 Goldenammer 09/17/22 50~60 SilkMan 09/18/22 43~50 USDCHF 09/18/22 38~50 iJukYou 09/18/22 38~50 BlastChu 09/18/22 60~67 SilkMan 09/18/22 50~60 USDCHF 09/18/22 60~67 USDCHF 09/18/22 60~67 Shlbuya 09/18/22 40~50 stjpieana 09/19/22 38~50 Yile 09/20/22 47~67 Dribble 09/20/22 38~50 SPQRiichter 09/22/22 52~60 Yile 09/23/22 64~67 Yile 09/25/22 45~59 500m 3ovv 09/26/22 51~67 Demon21 09/27/22 46~67 iSmokeSB96 09/27/22 51~67 Jsuez 09/27/22 45~55 SkylineStar 09/29/22 47~50 SpideyBC 09/29/22 55~60 demonicheal 09/30/22 55~67 500m SkylineStar 10/02/22 57~65 KnanNishino 10/02/22 57~65 ImadaMio 10/02/22 57~65 RihoYoshioka 10/02/22 38~43 cyiinder 10/02/22 38~51 Zoosie 10/02/22 41~51 Joosie 10/02/22 51~60 Zoosie 10/02/22 51~60 Joosie 10/02/22 51~60 WinterMelyn 10/02/22 38~50 DoodleHP 10/04/22 38~50 lutfam1 10/04/22 38~50 lutfam2 10/04/22 38~50 lutfam3 10/06/22 51~67 JuicyToast
Give me personal message in forum. or Buddy me ingame ( ign : P4SS ) You can book for buying leech. Online usually at 01:00 ~ 05:00 servertime Or 15:00 ~ 18:00 servertime
Updated Buyer list, Open for Reservation Personal message or buddy ign P4SS [servertime] 08/Oct 12:00 ~ 18:00 09/Oct 12:00 ~ 18:00
Hi Victoria, i'd like to book on for the 8th 12:00 server time. Lvl 50 right now, hoping to go to 55. I've buddied you as 69Caliber.
Hi Victoria, i'd like another leeching. Is today a good day? 10:00 server time October 9th. 55-70 if possible. if not, to 60 or 65 is good as well.