[ Intro ] In Update #81, There's many changes in Neo tokyo bosses. I recorded all of the Bossing reward in Neo tokyo from the starting. And i want to start New version of recording after this server check So, i'll finish this recording ( Neo tokyo Bossing Reward Ver. 1 ) [ History ] 2020.08 ~ 2021.01 ( Active ) --- Long Period sleep --- 2022. 05. Come back, Made New Bucc 2022. 06. Making Meso for WA gears, HP washing APRs for Bucc, Bowmaster 2022. 06. Preparing attacker for Neo tokyo 2022. 07. Entering Neo tokyo, Prequests 2022. 07. Start Soloing Neo tokyo bosses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Reward Recording ] - I'll change the reward Nano plants, NX card 1k to some of Eye acc, Face acc, Belt, Ring scrolls in Ver. 2 - The Drop bonus rate is reflected into the calculated drop rate. - Maybe the White scroll fragments drop rate is around 30 ~ 35% ( by my data ) - Maybe the 5k NX card drop rate is around 20% ( by my data ) - Maybe the 1k NX card drop rate is around 50% ( by my data ) - Maybe the Monster card drop rate is around 25% ( by my data ) - Maybe Element pierce drop rate is less than 2~3% ( by my data ) - Maybe Nano plants drop rate is around 10% ( by my data ) == To be continued... for Ver.2 NEO TOKYO RECORDING ==
Any of your runs' drops are buffed buy Vergamot/Dunas V1/Nibergen monster card? I feel it much better with monster card buff especially Dunas V2 because it drops literally nothing except for fragment C. And also, how long is your average running time with this party setup? Do you use all your 3 attackers hitting at the same time? with one or more PCs? Anyway this is a nice post, I had been doing this for a while but didn't record anything, I may try to make an excel too after this patch (after this patch all boss cards have drop rate buff so the order of bosses doing can be rearrange easily)
Yes, Main drop rate buff is from v1/Verga/niber +50%, and i cleared in 24min after the card loot because NL had +20% time from skill. And the drop bonus is for the Last hit man. And frag A drop boss was verga/nmm (2 boss) and always lack of B, C So my sequence was (Always lack of C) V1 (card) > V2 V1 (no card) > Verga (card) > V2 V1 (no card) > Verga (no card) > Niber (card) > V2 Anyway, I use 2nd pc for BM 1nd pc for NL/Bucc/BS/Pally And Bucc, Bm have no good gears, using gizer NL have perf weap, using Stopper (V2 used 1 apple) Verga(~18min) V1(~19min) Nmm(~18min) Niber(~19min) V2(~20min) After this patch, i'll change the sequence like this V1 (card) > V2 V1 (no card) > Nmm (card) > V2 V1 (no card) > Nmm (no card) > Verga (card) > V2 V1 (no card) > Nmm (no card) > Verga (no card) > Niber (card) > V2
Number 0 : no buff Number 1 : +20% Number 2 : +50% Number 3 : +100% And this buffed result is considered to calculate the drop rates.