For those not in the know, this is a +20 attack (info not in the description), -5 accuracy potion which lasts for 5 minutes, and is available in Showa Town Grocer for 1000 mesos a pop, i.e. free.
Could possibly increase to a reasonable price and make it stackable or make it less potion stacked. i.e 10/20/25/50?
I still rmb the old days in the official server where getting this powerful potion at a cheap price in exchange for eating up plenty of use slots. The nostalgia
Given that the stats are significantly better than warrior elixirs 99% of the time, I feel like the price would have to be heavily raised to somewhere below where gizers are at. I also think it would be fair to tuck it behind some sort of questline and not in Showa where it's even more accessible than warrior elixirs. Something that immediately comes to mind is how it's also available from Mo at Dead Man's Gorge after completing a few Phantom Forest quests.
I hope to say the same about demon elixirs (140 wa) its accumulation only goes up to 10, because not 100 like apples or gelts ! xD KEK!
Don't fix what ain't broken. Shrine is available in nearly every town, use item to get to showa, stock back up, use item back to shrine, get back on with what you were doing. As already mentioned it's a free 20att pot