For those of us who never got past level 60 as a kid and never got to experience original Von Leon, what kind of loot can we expect? I already checked the wiki, and its all a blur to me. I see theres Von Leon Soul's that can permanently increase WA on weapons(untradeable). I couldn't find a shoulder. Is there a drop that has the potential to make us rich? What should we expect if its anything like the original? Thanks.
thats a question the entire server wants to know. Seems like all these questions will be answered when the content releases. Patience is a virtue!
Ah I thought there would be some good info on the main items he drops, kinda like Auf and her helm and scrolls. Edit: If anyone wants to speculate be my guest. Would be cool to see what people predict, and look back to see who was on the right track.
Came across some stuff in game and seems like maybe new belts will be introduced? don't think any new weapons or mw30 will be dropped by VL Maybe a new scroll or something as well. Pure speculation!
I think that would be incredible, it would make Von Leon a huge update. I don't think it would destroy prices of current end game gear either. However, I don't think this will be a reality, they don't have the balls.
that would be so cool! if it happens, there would be new progression to the game. As for the economy of current end game weapons, it will take a shock, but it doesnt mean their wa has no more value. also, it depends on how hard the new lvl 130 weapons/sets would be to obtain. if doing 1run/day for a month is all it takes to get a godly set (including scrolling it up)...then there's something very off with the drop rate. perhaps the safer route would be to introduce an item similar to auf helm. it can be an untradeable equip for each class, and the scrolls for that equip are Von Leon scrolls.
I would like to see a belt - maybe for warr? carefull I dont want dojo to be useless or shoulder (2/3 all stat 1 slot why not) and maybe some kind of scrolls, this needs some study - regarding drop rates and which kind of scrolls VL should drop also This boss should be democratic when it comes to class diversity; And, as a shad main, no bias: please buff heros, directly or indirectly, kinda sad that we outclass them in every single way. thank you for all your work Cheers
Am heavily against the idea of bringing in lvl 130 sets into the game for a couple of reasons: 1. When/if the time for pink bean comes, wouldn't that devalue the value of timeless/reverse weapons&armor by a significant amount? A big incentive for doing pink bean is for those equips (with the other incentive being mw30) and having lvl 130 sets available from von leon would make pink bean not as appealing as it initially should be. 2. I would have to heavily disagree that it wouldn't destroy the value of current end game gear. A NL, for example, would go for a garina/katinas for current end game overall but if the 130 set is to be released, what would the point of garinas/katinas be? People going for end game wouldn't settle for that knowing that von leon set gives much better stats and therefore the value of those overalls would drop significantly. 3. In my eyes, it's not that "they dont have the balls" but more so looking at the complications that come along the way. You have hackers to worry about, how it would affect the economy with new end game gear coming out, how to balance it correctly without rapidly aging the server, and so much more. I'm no GM or anything but I'm confident that they can release it if they want's just there's more cons then pros that come along with it that would be detrimental to the server's overall health... Having an untradable item being implemented, such as shoulder/belt, that can be upgraded through the drops that von leon gives, is something that is much more feasible and beneficial. It doesn't downvalue current gear tremendously, and it also gives an incentive for older players to have a new goal to work towards, aside from the recent update where face/eye scrolls were implemented along with two extra slots given to eyes.
1. Hmmm I'm not sure. We can only imagine how far Pink Bean is from releasing. Would it devalue Timeless weapons, sure I can see that. But isn't a big factor with those weapons the amount of grinding you have to put in to make them worth it? You could have an NL who might not want to spend that much time getting the untradeables to make the timeless weapons worth it. Maybe they just want to purchase a 130 weapon and be done with it. I don't really know how they work so I'm really just playing a shitty devils advocate here. I mean look at Horntail today, still being ran religiously by people when its main incentive is solely MW20. Pink Bean would have the best weapons/armors in the game PLUS MW30. I feel that is huge, even if moderately devalued by potential Von Leon drops. 2. I don't see it that way. The way I view it is it will open the door for a bit of power creep, in big part to the middle/lower class. Maybe that NL who could buy the 35 LUK overall can now afford the 40 LUK overall. Maybe instead of perf RC costing 23b or whatever it now costs 18b. I believe there is a huge market for players who aren't in the elite levels of wealth who would keep demand for these older weapons high. Again I don't know enough about these potential new items. Hold on.... Are these some of the potential things people think will come? lmao that will never happen this set effect is fcking crazy. The weapons don't seem too bad tho, +2 wa over DSB. 3. I feel the hacker argument for major bosses is dated. The autoban catches you if you hit cap or if you are doing too much damage at once, or insta killing. Its been worked on for so long now, I think its lazy to just throw this point out. Wasn't the reason this content to so long to release was because they wanted to make sure they could deal with hackers? Idk.
Apparently normal Von Leon is 6b HP and hard mode is 10b.....why did I think i would run this 3x a day hahah. Might just be for the super duper strong. or 15 man parties. idk
dont bother with the 120 set bonuses, they would release potential scrolls before that lmao. Most likely it will be a new accessory, and scrolls to go with it. Or nothing at all. edit: if i remember correctly, the gear progression for old maple goes like this: scrolling>ws/cs>reverse/timeless>potential scrolls>cubes/star-forcing>set bonuses
they should think about the new players you only think about the rich on the server and their number of mules it's time to change things and encourage new players and also give all adventurers a damage increase and more hp when we go to hit 500,000 damage because this new boss drops a lot of hp and I see that the richest of good teams can't with him imagine people who play for fun and reach level 200 without washing it is necessary to make changes honestly do a survey and spread it on the server and let the people vote. Happy Mapling new in the server.