I miss the fresh feeling of maple when everyone had the same starting point. Is it time to add a new server, Bera? I would be so ready to play!! Best Happy Mapler
considering the dwindling population of players, having people play in another different server "bera" seems like a good way to shorten the lifespan of royals and that is without taking into consideration how practical it would be to even implement such a suggestion.
I'd love to start fresh on royals one more time someday. back when I joined in 2014 I was looking for the OG nexon maplestory nostalgia experience. it's been over 8 years now and we'd be looking for a 2014 mapleroyals nostalgia experience this time around lol. however, that will surely lead to the imminent death of mapleroyals within months. 4 years ago there was once this other private server that split it's server in two, specifically one pre-bb and the new one being progressive starting at big bang. it's original server went to utter ashes in the span of 2 weeks and people on the new server got bored and tired way too fast, causing the death of both later on that year. so yeah, would be kind of cool for some people but the consequences might definitely not be worth the shot. ...on the other hand, a wipe sounds good to me sometime.
Previous thread on the subject: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/create-a-new-world.193900/ There are no plans to create a new world, and there shouldn't be for the many good reasons people have already listed.