names of characters , cossette , riverbelow last thing you did : i just traded with some dude and got auto banned Ban message when attempting to log in: This ia an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection
Please list all of your characters. If you do not remember all of them, you may send me a private message of your Usernames.
i did a smega , she bought the item , she beat my a/w which was 6b , next thing i do was walking back to her , wanted to know how she sells so much cs/ws like another dude named pyes or something like that , i followed her , then i saw she enters the fm , right before i came , i saw something floating over henesys market portal , it looked like an alchemist ring , could be mine, i didnt even get the chance to look cause i got banned right away , i thought it was just a lagg but apparently not maybe she tried to transfer it to her main or something idk
how do we use same ip adress if im using a vpn ? also i was on riverbelow way before then log off and came back i dont understand this statement
actually now that im recalling i did make ban appeal like year ago , my vpn might let other people share with me , if u check my last ban appeal , you guys told me to restart the vpn to get new one , so apparently yes , few can use same vpn
I forwarded your appeal to the admins so they can verify your claims within the game logs. The time it takes for an admin to attend your ticket heavily relies on their workload, so please avoid bumping your thread unless you are adding relevant information to your appeal.
27 other characters ? tim i dont have anymore accounts , and this is not the first time i got banned for same ip with vpn . felt like adding this last ban appeal , i got banned here [ first time ] while being online having same ip as a hacker or rwt , it happend to me like 50 times ever since , but i can assure you those are not mine , how would i manage to make so many accounts , and why would i use them with my computer and not a different one , i know you guys working hard on catching rwt , but its not me , i even had chats with one of the characters you listed , why would i chat with myself or even trade with myself and not just drop it ... please do take in mind that i host many events and giving mesos for free , i dont think a rwt would give away free money... my events are pretty famous and all i wanted to do is to help the server and thats about it...