Pap door doesn't close until the crack has been absorbed or pap has been summoned. People drop coins or random items outside the portal to let other players know that the channel has been taken. This is a nostalgic feature that I appreciate seeing in Royals. However, it is also so frustrating to enter an unmarked channel and see someone in the room with the crack on the floor, and it's too late to exit to save your own run. This happens to me too often and I believe other players have encountered this before as well. The majority of the players who didn't drop coins are either new players that don't know this coin method or veteran players that forgot to drop the coins for whatever reasons. I totally understand that and respect them. Whenever I get into this situation, I always wait outside to let them know they didn't drop coins and make sure they understand why and will drop something next time. But there are also a few toxic players that think they are so good and fast at dropping cracks or just genuinely don't care. It's even more frustrating to know you can't do anything about it because dropping coins isn't a strict rule that people are obligated to follow. I suggest we can make pap door close after a party has entered just like how Chao and Ephenia maps work. There is really no point and unfair to lose exp/nx because of others' mistakes. This change could avoid so many mistakes/conflicts like this and I don't see how this change could affect any current gameplay. Please consider making this change and also feel free to share your experience on this topic below. Thanks
Can it just be that if you leave within 30 seconds of entering, that it does not count as having entered?
If you leave within 2 minutes it doesn't count as a run, so if you enter and someones in you can yell at them or whatever and they'll leave. Easy Still common courtesy to leave a coin but people get way to freaked out about this
If you entered and the crack is already on the floor for 2 seconds there is nothing you can do about it. I don't even bother yelling and expect them to pick it right up I just exit immediately, still lost the run multiple times
If you mean even after pap is summoned and you still don't lose the run within 30 seconds after entering, I think this will also work. As long as it solves the problem. Though, people could potentially abuse this 30-second mechanism to let an attacker in to help for a few? I still think the Ellin Forest mechanism is better. It's fairly straightforward and has no room for potential abuses.
Oh, 30 seconds AND must not have attacked the pap then? I'm not familiar with the Elin Forest mechanism unfortunately :-(
I've killed hundreds of paps and this has never happened to me, but fair enough that would ruin your run EDIT: the more i think about this, statistically this must be incredibly rare to happen... You need to enter pap in the exact moment that another player drops the crack, assuming the door closes as soon as the crack is accepted? 20 channels with a 2 second window for this to happen IF someone is already in there. Fair enough if its happened to you though thats bad luck lol
How Ellin Forest work is: 1) You have to be in a party to enter the boss map. 2) When the party leader enters the boss map, all the party members outside the boss map will also get brought into the boss map. I like your new suggestion and I think that would work well. But I think it would be easier for the developers to just copy the existing mechanism and apply it here rather than make a new one.
Perhaps depends on time of day somewhat? Also, the channels aren't entirely independent of one another. If you have had to cc several times to find an unused channel, then the probability of somebody being inside already but about to drop crack would be a lot higher than if you hadn't had to cc - as they might have just done the same thing you did. So that could push the probability up a little? I don't think it would be too complex from a coding point of view. But yes, 100% agree - if the extra hassle in making the new mechanism is not justified, then it's not worth it. In saying that, I wonder if the requirement for a party would be a problem with the way pap is currently coded. It is plausible that changing pap to work with a party system would not be so trivial, although it of course depends on how it's actually coded, and that is details we as players don't know. From a player point of view, either mechanism would solve the problem. I think Krex works like how I'm suggesting, but I could be wrong. P.S thanks for explaining! I'm recently back from a long hiatus, so not too up with everything...
Welcome back! I am glad you addressed how bumping into a closed door and ccing increase the probability of encountering this issue and that is exactly how it is. Another Ellin Forest mechanism that I didn't mention is that you can also just enter with only one person at the party. Sorry for missing out on that part. I am also not sure how Krex works. It might work similarly to the current pap. The door closes when people summoned Krex and that counts as a run, but don't quote me on that.