ALL Your Character Names:BlackHealing, LaShevchenko, Banggggggg, FlechasLocas, Heladera, Fosforollama,APQHasterina,SEDnicienta,CrashLuis,SEledonia,Brosssss,HBuevon Last thing you did: Hi and GoodMorning, only finishing the boss of nameles neo tokyo Why do you think you got banned?: not idea Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): any gm
hello and good morning, they are all the ones I have, I only have 3 attackers and the rest are mules for boss and apq
no, not really, in fact, now that he mentions it, there is a person who always whispers to me telling me that name eric, I really don't know who he is, he usually does it in the morning until I get tired and block him from my list of friends.
I have forwarded your appeal to our admins to review. Please be patient as it can sometimes take a bit for them to get through the list of appeals.
I don't really know him, how can I repeat it again? I think I'm being linked to that person because of the whispers they made to me without knowing who he is and that person harassed me with whispers almost every day when I played my account, In fact, I only play when I have free time with vpn for work and I don't know many people in this game, only with a few that are few and in which I had fun on discord.