Looking for Party Members to run CWKPQ with (Daily) ! For Trios I'm looking for : -Any Top Attacker with Any Mule ( HS SE or SI ) Bowmaster and Buccaneer Mains won't need to bring a mule For Quads I'm looking for -Buccaneer / Bowmaster / Shad Mains (No Mule's Needed) Let me know by replying to this thread , or feel free to pm me in game or via forums
I recommend pqing with Mike, super fast leader, super kind, crazy dmg bottom And nobody loves cwkpq as Mike
I used to cwk a lot few years ago, just returned to Royals after a long break and looking forward to do daily runs again! I can sign (not mule) a pirate/extra thief and mule a mage (or play on my hero if melee is needed, dont mind signing him as well) My main is my 193 NL ign VoiatiLity add me if u want to do runs