Hello everyone! My name is Bella and I've just finished downloading and installing Maple Royals! A little bit about me: I'm 23, Australian, travel approx. 6 months of the year, long time Maplestory player. I haven't played any form of Maplestory in a few years, however I just came back to GMS and my guild was having a chat about "old maple", and thus I am here. Haha! My IGN is Bella, please feel free to add me in game as I'm quite a lonely little magician at the moment. Can't wait to meet a few of you! Edit: I'm back! I'm no longer 23 or a little magician, but the rest remains the same! I figured I'd just edit this rather than starting a new post. Hi guys
G'day sheila! Although it isn't really daytime here right now... Anyhow, welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here. What kind of travelling do you do 6 months a year?
Welcome to mapleroyals! We are currently experiencing some hacker drama, but once that gets resolved, I'm sure you'll have a great time here.
Just leisure travel - I have a bit of a habit of working casual full time jobs for 6 months then quitting and running around the globe for the rest of the year. Return home, repeat. Haha. I'm usually in Thailand for a few months each year, just because it's so cheap and I love it there! Also the US is great for cheap shopping, I'm running out of room for my Nikes. I noticed, haha. My entire account got wiped! I guess I started during the whole issue so it rolled back past my account creation ahha. Re-making now Hi Saki, thanks (; What/who is copyleft? LOL.
If you that's you in the avatar then you are very welcomed here. Sorry I haven't read a single word in this thread.
SAKI = copyleft. He is fabulous. And awesome! Whereabouts in Australia are you? I've been in Australia for quite some time now and leaving for SEA (Thailand to begin with) in November. The US, or well North America, is the only continent I have left to visit now! [before some smarthead says "Antarctica?", I'm talking about the inhabited ones.] Great habit, travelling is incredible! PS. I'm not really from Australia, I just use colloquial terms in an attempt to blend in...
HAHAH. Well thanks for the info. Why are you discriminating against the uninhabited areas? They're lonely..
Hey there, welcome to royals! It's great to see more Australian's joining this server ! Feel free to add me on my mage DatAss
Fairly sure Antarctica has enough penguins to avoid any loneliness. Also, watch out for Lloyd, he's actually a Kiwi...
Edited this post in anticipation of my return! Hehe. Hello everyone I know, as well as any new faces I don't.
Welcome back! Saw your contributions to the 'What I eat thread' Hope you can contribute more to it!!!