ALL Your Character Names: Betoo, Betooo, Wetoo, Bety, Bichota69, sedmedaddy, safaera, si mule, fm mules, storage mules. Last thing you did: APQ kek, but after that i went to fm and went to sleep Why do you think you got banned?: No idea Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted... What GM banned you (optional): No clue
Hello there, you have been banned for ban evading, as you were previously permanently banned on Paradoja for hacking.
Understood, I have notified him of this. I do not know when he will have the time to respond, but I appreciate your understanding on this situation.
Sorry if i might have overreacted in my previous comment above, and thanks Pure for your work. To the best of my knowledge, the only cause might be because of “Paradoja” ign; it belongs to my cousin, he saw me playing Maple like 3 or 4 weeks ago when i was at my grandparents house (where i used to live) right now Im in Mexico city (away from him). He started playing royals and by the time he was level 30 it became "difficult" for him so he decided to hack. What i can confirm, - he never used my PC or have any type of contact in game except for the time he whisped me to say hello. Thats all. When I found out what he was doing I told him to stop hacking, he did... cause he got banned not long after he started (Thankfully). When he got banned the IP from my grandpas house got blocked so in order to keep playing I used for 1 week and a half my cellphone wifi and a VPN to keep playing in that house, but now Im in Mexico city. - I never had any trade with him, nor did I receive anything from him. - I in no way condone breaking the rules in any type of way - I've been playing this game for a long time now, reaching a decent level and have never resorted to doing such things - i know the rules, and i've had many friends banned for different reasons. I’m confident to share that this is a mixup, and hopefully we can resolve this asap.
I did not, he used to play GMS, so he was familiarized with how the game works. I just told him which private server I was playing at.
Of course Tim, like I mention before I have multiple characters (a lot of lvl 200’s and mules) so I have multiple accounts, most of them are,, and some other accounts I created from My dad’s own hosting and domain. That’s the which I believe that’s what your asking for; Bolado comes from my dad last name (and so is mine ofc).
hey Tim, is there anything else I can do to help with the investigation? Please let me know if i can get unbanned, genuinly a mixup.
Hi Tim, that character belongs to my cousin, not me. Days ago I asked him to send me all of the chars he created plus the emails used. Here are the images; Edit: Dont know how to add an IMG lol so im just gonna write down the ign's and emails. Characters: -Garusan -boladomx -ferisonmx -feriomx -celarentMX -dariimx
Hi, its been almost 3 months since my appeal, is there any updates? I missed so far Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 2 guild events plus personal in game progress. Is there a way I can help to speed up the progress? Thanks in advance to admins and GM for your hard work.
Hello there betoboladoo, I sincerely appreciate your patience throughout all of this. I went ahead and placed a reminder for our administrators to review your case. (Not that you have been forgotten, but just to be safe)
Hi Tim, that is the character I use to speed infusion myself at CWKPQ. It did belong to my brother, we started playing together then he quitted around lvl 14x ish. I started using it when I created my hero (Bichota69), around 2 years ish after he quitted. What I can confirm: -I never used the account to gain some sort of advent age on my previous 4 lvl 200 characters. -I never voted on that account -I ONLY used the account to S.I myself You may wonder why would I did that? The answer is pretty dumb, I was just lazy to make another buccaneer to buff myself (which Is literally the only thing that I used that char for) Sad thing is I probably get perma banned for using that account and not for what I was wrongly accused for in the first place; But I don’t want to waste more of your time so that’s why I’m coming clean. Is there a way I can get unbanned? Maybe delete my hero and buccaneer?