Hello, Today, after a random urge to return and play old school maplestory, I noticed this server was the only server that was still doing decently well and carrying a decent sized population.. I had played royals a few years back in like 2017? or maybe 2018, but I had decently progressed and had a few accounts for one shotting ulu 2 etc and was on my way to making a paladin... I literally pulled out and dusted off my old laptop just to find the information that I had stored on a notepad before cloud sharing files was the norm.. Upon attempting to log in to all 3 of my accounts I was greeted with a message saying this is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. I haven't played in multiple years so maybe this is just a security thing where I'm randomly signing in from a new ip address? Is there any way I could get some assistance with reactivating or fixing my accounts? ALL your character names: (It's been so incredibly long i'm not entirely sure...) I believe one of the accounts was the ign 'Liars', and 'anyways'? but I can much more easily supply you with the account names vs character names if that is easier.. Last thing you did: Halloween event maybe in like 2017 or 2018 Why do you think you got banned?: Security precautions from attempting to log in on a new device maybe? Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please try again.
Hello there ilyxo, I apologize for the delayed response. I have inquired about your ban and will get back to you with a response as soon as I have one! I appreciate your understanding on this matter.
I was in Myrtle Beach SC at the time when I played, I have the same desktop computer currently, desktop was ASUS motherboard and then primarily I would play using my older laptop, both windows 10 OS and my laptop was an MSI GL72 7RD-028 17.9 in laptop,
Do you happen to know the owners of characters named "Sarcastic", "Stunk", or "Charlie"? If so, what is your relationship with them?
Yes he was my friend, he used to be a GM on here im pretty sure lmao *Edit: Just looked him up on forums and saw all the shit that happened yikes not sure how yall let that one slip thru, gonna assume because he would let me use his meso-up mule and let me borrow a maple shield to 1 shot ulu that is the reason I got banned. He was a really cool guy, pretty sure he had access to my acc as well because we'd play other games / were disc friends. - I'm just gonna assume im never getting unbanned even though I didn't do anything just based on the previous appeals for the people u mentioned
Only his meso up mule, which was a level 80 account or 77 account. unless I did end up making one on one of my accounts... Like i said its been so long I could not tell you lmao
I regret to inform you that this falls under account sharing, which is a permanent ban. We've considered the possibility of a less harsh punishment, however, due to the severeness of your friend's infraction, we cannot offer you that