Seriously, even at christmas event with snowman boss this was a huge problem. It's so much worse with this amoria boss. Since this boss have no requierments to enter and snowman needed at least 100 snow. So many players / mules hog the map making it full and just goes afk after "their amount of attacks" With this mindset, if everybody did this there would never be a boss kill. But many people just hang in there wants the kill. The few does the work for the rest. Options: 1. Make an inactive timer. If a player choose to afk for more than a minute or two. They get an inactive tag and if they want a reward they need to redo all their attacks. 2. Make the boss do 1/1. Easy and effective. Disable pets so no autohp meaning everyone needs to be there and play. I know many people will cry about pot cost but these bosses dont do more than 1 in damage. You can have a stack of redpots for all I care. This will also make it so there are no "safespots" since 1/1 will knock you down from platforms and ropes. 3. Make it cost something to enter or have a pre-quest to enter. Right now everyone and their mules want entry meaning even more inactive play. It's very tedious. The picture below is an example of how it looks nowadays. Check the minimap where people just chill. They even chill next to boss since again, its no hard and they get away with it.
Idea: Make rewards scale linearly with number of hits and adjust event prize shop prices accordingly. Land 100 hits, you get 1 item. Land 1000 hits, you get 10 items
Several rewards for 1 boss is maybe alittle too much. But continue working on your idea: 100 hits 1 of 10 different use rewards 150 hits 1 of 10 different normal rewards 200 hits 1 of 10 different better rewards 500 hits 1 of 10 different great rewards
I don't like this idea. Disproportionately punishes mages and warriors. Rewards thieves particularly because of their insane avoid.
Apparently they changed it now so that only one character per player can be in an event map at a time.
cant agree from my experience, however I might just experience somehow completely different runs. Before ppl with many chars including myself were entering the event on all the chars or many chars at once (or in quick succession, 2 in my case for instance) and did them all in one go. This effectively makes it impossible now hence it is helpful in any way. I find it hard to believe ppl will just afk there since it will just interfere with their event schedule - or you are really unlucky to run with the biggest afkers of all time and I did not meet them yet.
Watch the screenshot I just presented in my first post. If the event boss isnt ch 1-4, you'll find plenty of afk people in every other ch.