Hello and good day Mai, I want to apologize for the first offer I made, I really feel sorry. I talked with my friend and he is willing to pay a maximum of 50 cs/ws and that would be our final offer. BFC 18 ATT + 50 cs/ws
Good morning Snuff, first of all, I understand why you label Tim, I recently began to get familiar with the Maple forum, from which I understand that many will think that I am a possible rwt, the truth is that the item that I offered is not mine, I am currently helping a friend to improve that item. My friend does use the forum and has much more time than me, however, he reason my friend didn't post with his account is because at the time he noticed the post, he could not log in at the time to do so. For which he asked me to make the offer so that they do not win the purchase. As a leader of the Guild and Alianza Latina, I support honest fair play, likewise I transmit it to new people who join our community since there is a lot of ignorance of the rules in the Latino community. Thank you for your attention and concern.
Hello friend, I am interested, I asked my friend to write to you, anyway my ign in the game is Rblood, you can PM me if you are interested in the 50 cs/ws, thanks.