First Character Gear Progression

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Voidboi, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. Voidboi

    Voidboi Member

    Apr 30, 2023
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    Hey friends! I played Royals a few years back and just started playing again about a week ago. I only hit level 60 back then, and now I am starting to get to the point on my main where I need to start making serious upgrade decisions.

    I have about a 1B budget (hit lucky on gacha). I've included my characters stats and gear below.

    Class: Dragon Knight (Hybrid Spear/Pole-Arm)
    Level: 101

    Helm: Zakum Helm +26 DEX +15 STR
    Face: Rat Mouth +7 DEX
    Eye: None
    Earring: +8 DEX
    Neck: Spiegel's Chaos
    Cape: Blue Advent Cape +6 STR
    Top: Blue Neos +21 STR +1 DEX+1 Acc
    Bottom: Red Orientican Pants +8 STR +10 DEX +6 Acc
    Gloves: Work Gloves +10 WA
    Boots: Dark War Greave +9 STR +11 DEX +2 Acc +2 Speed +10 Jump

    Pole Arm: Purple Surfboard +15 STR +123 WA
    Spear: None


    I think the obvious answer is to save for Sky Skis, but my understanding is that I don't really need them until I start bossing. I know that it's better for me at my level to grind maps like himes with pole arm + dragon fury rather than spear + crusher. So I'm thinking I want to upgrade my gear to make my grinds faster, but what would give me the most benefit for my budget? Am I wrong to think this and I should be saving for a godly sky spear?

    Ty for viewing and any responses <3
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
  2. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Your biggest upgrade right now is probably your cape. See if you can get a nice Blackfist cloak, 3 atk clean ones are around 20m, although if you can find a cheap higher attack one that's under 5 slot I'd go for it instead. Then just 60% str the remaining slots, or buy one that already has str if any are on the market.

    Save ~200m to get a Horntail Pendant at level 120. Some people say skip htp and go for MoN, but an average HTP helps your damage more than an average MoN, and you don't have the funds to go for a godly MoN. Also, once you get a few more levels you can start attacking and relooting for those at a much cheaper price.

    Belt: might be worth to solo dojo and get 200 points for while belt, then 100% str it (since compass eggs give so many 100%s). Easy 4 str 1 dex, and gets you just barely started on dojo for future upgrades if you want.

    Rings: Most good rings are from events, but at level 110 you can start on Ellin Forest. It's a grindy questline, but at the end you unlock EPQ. EPQ is not only great experience, but 20 runs of it gets you a 1 attack ring, which will take until very late in the game to replace. You can also buy a krex ring for a couple stats and 2 slots, but that might be better to wait until you can join krex as an attacker and reloot for free.

    Face: if you don't need the dex, I'd sell it. That can get you a decent amount of meso to upgrade other gears, and anniversary event is coming soon which should get you at least one 6 str maple leaf. Up to you if you leave that clean or try and scroll it, just keep in mind face scrolls (except face dex) tend to be expensive.

    Earrings: cheap enough that it's not worth selling. Anniversary event should have a set of anniversary earrings, which are 2 allstat and 5 slots. Scroll them for str (unless you need the dex, but I don't think DK does), aiming for 12+ str

    Helm: 26/15 isn't all that great. I wouldn't pay for a new one though, just as soon as you hit lv 135 and can run zakum, start relooting for a better one. Aim for 17+ str and 15+ dex before you start scrolling!

    Weapon: you'll want a sky ski soon, so make sure to save some for that. Can't comment much on this since I don't play DK, but weapons tend to be a very good investment in terms of mesos to power gained.

    Gloves: 10 wa is fine for now, once you can save up I'd recommend going for a 15 wa stormcaster gloves (usually around 850m, but ~1b right now. Wait until anniversary hits and glove 100%s start getting cheaper).

    Top: probably in a good spot there for now. With the stats scrolls give (+2 str per 60/70% but only +3 per 30%) those get very expensive to upgrade very fast.

    Bottom: Go for 10 str 14 dex black neos pants. Should be relatively cheap for a decent upgrade.

    Boots: honestly, good shoes are expensive. Keep these for now until you've upgraded everything else mentioned, then save up ~1.3b for 6 wa facestompers.
  3. Voidboi

    Voidboi Member

    Apr 30, 2023
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    I couldn't have asked for a more helpful reply. Thank you! I'd love to hear from any DKs for their opinion on the sky skis.
    RadiantPulse likes this.
  4. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Sky Ski's are the best spears.
    Buuuuuuuuuuut......... They are also very overpriced for their actual value.

    Don't take this too literal because free market, but in general don't buy a ski for less than 1-2b. For the same amount of meso you can buy a spear with similar dps and have 500m-1b left for other upgrades.

    I would recommend staying on pole arm for as long as you find it fun. They are often better at pre-4rth job meta grinding spots. For bossing you do want a spear.

    About DEX and HTP. Ski's do give some accuracy and a HTP is actually pretty allright since DK's have a very good conversion from STR to DMG, the DEX will grant you a very decent increase to accuracy and especcialy for DK's that do not have 30k HP yet for Zerking, the additional defenses that HTP provides are actually pretty good.
    My DK is level 193 (with HTP), I have 9 base DEX and 210 accuracy. I actually have no idea but I have been told you are looking to have between 185 and 210 accuracy, neither do I have really special gear. Unless you are missing random shit now, I wouldn't worry too much about your dex/accuracy with 22 Base Dex. You can always buy accuracy pots.

    I have a maths-guide in my description if you really want to know but your shoes grant you about the same damage as a 2 atk fs will give you. I would not bother with fs before 5 atk. As you are probably not buying leech until level 135+ you will enjoy bonus speed and jump from shoes.
    --You can scroll pet equips with speed :D!--

    For the same meso reasons, often there are very cheap 12-14 atk warrior gloves for sale with their stats they would give you roughly similar damage as 14-16 scg would give you. Only those are like 50-250m instead of whatever 14-16 atk scg costs.

    If the time comes that you have 4rth Job SP to spare, know that Beholder Hex DOES NOT overwrite your buffs if you're already buffed with a better buff. I was level 191 when I figured this out D:
    Neither does Beholder Heal work if you'd be healed over zerking treshold. Max Beholder Heal can save you up to 500k per hour on pots. Wich is "kinda ok" I guess.

    Last piece of DK advice. As you have some more 3rth job levels to go, Get Power Crash maxed for Zakum and Dragon Roar as well for questing and monster card hunting. Aaaaand you kinda rather have Spear Fury maxed over Pole Arm Fury once you've hit 4rth job. I used SPR to reset Pole Fury to Spear Fury around level 150 iirc.

    At level 135 you want a spear. If more than 2b to spend on gear, sure, get a ski. If less than 2b to spend, get a different spear. It will give you much better value for your meso.
    For now, play the game and enjoy :).
    RadiantPulse, Sylafia and Voidboi like this.
  5. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    I mentioned anniversary twice in my post yet still somehow forgot about pyrope spears too. Same speed as sky ski, better accuracy, has strength, and just slightly less attack. Might be a good option once anniv happens and they're common, what are your thoughts?
  6. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    A while ago I did some 36h-awake-sleep-deprivation-back-of-receipt-maths and what I know is that, while fully buffed (SI, Apple, Echo), a Perfect Ski is about 7% more dps than a perfect Falt.

    Ski scales better due to speed and the little accuracy is also pretty decent.
    The increase in price for Ski vs any other alternative is not pretty decent.

    I have basically always forgotten about Pyrope Spear as well, They might be similar to Ski prices since equally fast, low atk Ski's cheap tho. Allthough have to say that for Mr. VoidBoi, it is worth his meso to owl and see for himself.
    Prices are going up and down for many items all the time and I have not checked prices of many gear pieces for over a year.

    Also contrary to popular belief, compared to any other mmo, scamming and intentional misleading pricing of items is basically non-existant on this server.
    If you see an item for what you think is a decent price, it probably is.
    On the low-end valued equips, a lot of people don't really care if they sell it for 100m or 120m. They might put it in shop for 200m, because whatever.

    There are probably better and worse items to upgrade meso/value wise. But it also doesnt really matter pre 4rth job.
    Any upgrade that makes you hit 120 faster is a good upgrade. If your main is level 100 and have about 1b to spend. Buy whatever you want to buy, whether you spend 100m or 450m on a warrior top doesnt really matter. You can always resell it, and whatever amount of meso you lost out on that transaction is not a problem at all.
    Spending 60m to get to 4rth job 1 hour faster is a no-brainer, just do it. You make that meso back by just smacking random mobs in less than 1 hour.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
    RadiantPulse, Voidboi and Sylafia like this.
  7. RadiantPulse

    RadiantPulse Donator

    Dec 16, 2021
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    Y'all are both so helpful :love: The only things I could see to mention is 9str/14dex neos pants should be the goal for the moment. 10str pants would require CS.

    And to owl both pyrope spear and ski before buying, with a preference towards pyrope spear. The extra accuracy would be very helpful pre 4th job when accuracy is harder to come by, and you're more likely to be under-leveled to what you're fighting.

    Oh and if you mainly care about the cape being for your DK, check prices for Taru Spirit Cape as well as BFC. Taru Spirit Cape is a warrior only attack cape that also gives some STR.
    Last edited: May 1, 2023
    Voidboi likes this.
  8. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Just wondering why u have 9 base int, base dex can also transfer to str if u want more damage
    Sylafia likes this.

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