ACCEPTING ITEMS/TRADES! Will sell when I find c/o is acceptable or a/w is reached! Accepted items: Scrolled end game weapons Upgrades / Downgrades ATT gear (capes, gloves, shoes) Godly ROA Other items = 420 M = 410 M = 245 M = 8.3 M = 8.2 M 16 ATT FS shoes facestompers accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD 14 ATT FS shoes facestompers accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD 12 ATT RS Red Sock accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD 91/19 Red Craven RC accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD 119/7 Concerto Perfect accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD 13 ATT FS shoes facestompers accept items/trades/downgrades SOLD
18.7 B Tyvm updated Edit: 16 FS sold in game for 14 FS + top up, 14 FS up for sale now and added 91/19 RC
Sb RC will need awhile to consolidate stuff so i will let you know again the number of cs/ws and b coins ( and possibly a cape/shoe?)
It depends what the offer is over all and what you value the cape/ shoes, tbh atm have a lot to sell already haha I put you as c/o though.