Hi everyone, To do rose garden daily you are required to have the daily quest from ilfa. If you are done with the 40 minutes run and you forgot to finish the quest, you won't be able to run next day. It made sense when there was a box with rewards in the end of the expedition but right now it's just 1 fame + 2.6m exp. My suggestion is to make rose garden to be like LHC area with 40 minute timer - and remove the quest.
Add Golem boss to the "Mystic Scroll" in Lounge would be nice too for those players with fish memory, like me!
I had the rose item expire and couldn’t finish the quest because I forgot to hand it in. I was able to enter again. So if you forgot to hand in the quest, throw out the quest item and try that? Personally just experienced expiration but haven’t tried throwing out.
The point is that this quest is irrelevant atm - when it used to give box it made sense but now it doesn't good to know that you can do that though
I would argue that the rose garden would not make sense without the quest. But I do agree that the quest reward itself now seems a bit underwhelming.
I get what you're saying but it makes sense to me that it should be like LHC normal timer - you did the quest and you can access the next location with a timer in this place Why not make it a one time quest?
I'd suggest making the quest give a fame and a return to Lion King's Castle scroll instead of removing it. I feel like the scroll dropping from the boss is underwhelming to say the least.
I think rewarding burning energy would be nice especially for range characters or players are rewarded after x amount of clears. Rewards TBD
I think the +1 fame should be removed from the repeatable quest. High fame was a reflection of exploring the maple world through completing area quests or the results of a whimsical personal pursuit. After a few months of daily RG, fame will just reflect the number of RG completions. It could be replaced with a +10 or so fame reward on first completion ('completing the RG area quest'), like in most maple locations. Nerf fame inflation!
Bring back the box but remove cs from rewards if it’s too broken ? The thrill of opening the box went hand in hand with RG even if it was just a scroll or a few powders !