What's Going on With the Mob Numbers on Some Maps?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Flaree, May 7, 2023.

  1. Flaree

    Flaree Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Hello, I find it odd how some maps have a strangely low amount of mobs on them regardless of how long it can take to scale them (usually in height rather than length). Why is it like this?

    For example on my warrior in the late 40s level range I got a little bored grinding in Orbis (garden of 3 colors adjacent areas) so I decided to try my luck in Mu Lung Garden and it sucked. In the general Sky Forest area (not counting the wild bear areas) I was constantly having to climb up ropes and ladders to different platforms just to maybe kill 2-6 mobs at once before having to scale to another and there would barely be ~11 0f them on a map at once, doing this was noticeably inefficient and didn't feel as nice as it did when I was just grinding Cellions where there was plenty enough for me to grind on and feel engaged doing so even when I would have to scale obstacles to reach them.

    It was really making me wonder about these maps and their spawns so I decided to just go throughout Mu Lung and count them out and see what was going on here. I counted the maximum amount of mobs on each map and piled up the numbers like so:

    practice field beginner: 13 mobs
    easy level: 12 mobs
    normal level: 17 mobs
    advanced level: 21 mobs

    entrance to sky forest: 10 mobs
    sky forest: the train: 9 mobs
    deep in sky forest: 10 mobs
    snake area: 9 mobs
    wild bear area 1: 18 mobs
    -2: 12 mobs
    -3: 18 mobs
    territory of the wandering bear: 11 mobs
    where the sky forest ends: 8 mobs

    peach farm 1: 9 mobs
    foggy forest: 14 mobs
    virtuous forest: 15 mobs
    goblin forest 1: 19 mobs
    -2: 13 mobs
    peach farm 2: 12 mobs
    peach farm 3: 16 mobs

    isolated swamp: 13 mobs
    old swamp: 13 mobs
    red-nose pirate den 1: 15 mobs
    -2: 17 mobs
    -3: 16 mobs
    bellflower valley: 10 mobs
    100-year-old herb garden: 10 mobs
    50-year-old herb garden: 11 mobs
    60-year-old herb garden: 15 mobs
    80-year-old herb garden: 10 mobs
    10-year-old herb garden: 11 mobs

    This is very interesting! So why are some of these maps limited to such a small amount of mobs? It's not like the ones below 12 are particularly small maps, a lot of them have a decent bit of space on them even if you don't count the ground floor on the main Peach Farm and Sky Forest maps which sometimes has mobs spawning down there anyways. Maps in the Wild Bear Area suddenly have a lot more mobs and a similar story is told in Sage Cat and Red-Nose Pirate Den areas with small exceptions only occasionally outside of those... surely this isn't supposed to be normal across the board right? I don't know why lots of these areas should be so shallow with their numbers, if someone needs specific item drops or wants a change of pace outside of the usual grinding areas around Mu Lung's level range or just prefers the environments in the region they're going to have a lot tougher time getting anything done here in a decent amount of time and I can't say I like that, these places should have a lot more mobs on them.

    I even compiled a bit from some other areas I poked around on in Orbis and what not, the garden of 3 colors areas for example are sized similarly enough to some of the Mu Lung maps yet have way better mob numbers and while the rest of these are larger than the average map Mu Lung they generally have way better numbers except for the ghost ship maps which while having only 12 still end up being better just because of how the maps are shaped. The list is not exhaustive btw I just wanted some other maps here for a comparison. Also some are "~" (around number given) because it was a little difficult for me to count them properly.

    the road to garden of 3 colors: ~15?
    garden of green 1: 25
    garden of green 2: 22
    garden of yellow 1: 24
    garden of yellow 2: 21
    garden of red 1: 27
    garden of red 2: ~24
    stairway to the sky 1: ~21

    Lost Time <1>: 22
    Lost Time <2>: 24

    singapore: suburban area 2: ~28
    singapore: mysterious path 3: ~37
    singapore: ghost ship 2: 12
    singapore: ghost ship 5: 12

    I know the low numbers likely aren't just unique to Mu Lung, there's probably some more areas that just have a really low number of mobs on them for seemingly little reason making them pretty mid grinding spots which is bad if it's in a nice area or the mobs having something that we may like to have or is just in a level range where the choices are thin. So what's up with all that?

    ( Also also I don't use these forums often, would this be the right place for this type of post? It's really just a question sort of thing but I didn't see a place specifically for what I wanted to ask so I left it here.)
    Enticing, Kheb, Sylafia and 2 others like this.
  2. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    If u can give more detail of your warrior at X lvl training at Y map and gain Z exp dev can have info and mayb something will be changed. I think most of the maps are original and ppl usually dont care about it except new players who dont/bored of pqing.
  3. Flaree

    Flaree Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Well a lot of this was done when I was lv.45-50 though I imagine the level is irrelevant here anyhow. I looked at a lot of exp values on the bbb hidden street site and compared them to the ones on this server after the 3.2x (seemingly rounded down) and they seemed to match consistently so someone can look on there if they want to see how much exp these mobs give but generally it seems that mobs on the same level give about the same amount of exp and if it differs it ends up being pretty negligible unless they're world tour mobs or from New Leaf City etc.

    All level 40:
    Chipmunk: 304 (95)
    Zombie Lupin: 304 (95)
    Tick-Tock: 304 (95)
    Banard Gray: 304 (95)
    Cold Eye: 272 (85)
    Paper Lantern Ghost: 297 (93)

    Chipmunk is a Mu Lung mob in the first two Sky Forest maps where once again there's like 10 and 9 mobs on the map at once and compared to the other mobs the have similar exp but the big difference is that they all have better numbers on the maps they're on which tend to be bigger maps but are a lot more filled out regardless making these mobs the obvious choices over a Chipmunk and that's even with a Cold Eye giving less exp since there's infinitely more of them spread across Sleepywood, same thing for the Paper Lantern Ghost where they give less exp but are on a small and flat map making them pretty easy to grind. This sort of thing Chipmunks have to deal with will likely apply to a lot of the mobs in these seemingly barren areas. (Not an exhaustive list again of course.)

    Regardless of how often people on this server go and leech or pq over normal grinding I think these maps should still have their use other than walking through them and remembering the times you first explored the area all those years ago, they deserve some incentive for being used. If anyone has access to the sort of info that would tell us why some of these maps are like this i'd love to hear the reasoning, if it's really just like that because that's how it happened to be back in v.83 or whatever version this server is on I could go and make a post in the suggestions and see where it'll go from there. I'm also partial to gathering more info on the maps if so!
  4. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    So whats your recommend of how many mobs should be in the map for ea map above and why it should be that number?
  5. Joong

    Joong Developer

    Aug 9, 2013
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    The simple answer is that the vast majority of maps are as they were in the original game. Only a fraction of maps have had their spawn points and spawn rates manually adjusted over the past 9 years, you can possibly find out which ones, if you dig deep enough in the forum archives.

    I believe that the number of monsters in a map is a function of the number of spawn points, the map's spawn rate, platform layout, overall size, and the number of players that are present in the map. If you wish that some maps were balanced differently, I would make that post you speak of, in the Feedback section.
    Zancks and Dave Deviluke like this.
  6. Flaree

    Flaree Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Thank you for the answer, not only interesting but good to know! Though it seems there is a lot more factors in play here then I would of expected so i'm not sure exactly what I could make of that when it comes to how I would even like them balanced... i'm interested in the "number of players that are present in the map" part especially, does anyone know how that works exactly? Is it a flat increase in mobs across the board per character or does it differ between maps?
  7. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Never had any recorded data on it. Allthough on Maple Island we have often wished for these rumours to be true, like many other things people have read on some forum 10+ years ago and somehow basically everyone is assuming to be true. Yet I have never heard anyone noticing any difference with either 5 people or 0 afking in Dangerous Forest. The afking might be the reason and a requirement like the +10% exp bonus for each ACTIVE party member could be the thing we missed out on.

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