Your Character Names: OtakuDn, Amplexo, Ganesha, CRistoRey, MulitaSE Last thing you did: I think the daily mission of HP or walking in the Free Market, not sure Why do you think you got banned?: I dont know Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please, thanks
Thanks for the reply and, replying to this, the only message I remember mentioning that could be interpreted as a possible RWT is when I sent a SMEGA ITEM selling leech saying: (( S> skele leech hs/mw20/tc lvl185 bs 60/ 120 I agree yape ;v)) of which in my country the phrase "I accept yape" is used to refer to the fact that they can help me by buying my services. At no time was it my intention to sell leech for real money, that's why I put the price in mesos 60/120, since I am aware of the rules of the game and its consequences. The sentence I posted was a joke with an emoticon symbol ";v". Finally, I invite you to review my game history from which you can validate that all my leech services and in-game behavior are correct and honest. I apologize for this inconvenience and await your response, appealing to your good judgment. Cordial greetings from Peru.
Unfortunately, your ban will remain permanent. We do not take RWT lightly even if people are joking about it. In your case, your smega ended with “acepto yape” and did not include ;v or anything similar. Additionally, Yape is a latin money exchange platform. We wish you the best with your future endeavors.
Thank you very much for your prompt response, About the emoticon, I thought I had put it and I apologize, even so my intention was never to sell the service in real money, that's why I put "60/120" referring to the fact that I was looking for mesos. I think that if my intention had been to benefit with real money it would be more discreet and not so obvious as to mention it via Smega where I know that many Latinos use the Yape platform. Taking your word that you as administrators do not take jokes alluding to RWT lightly, I am attaching a link where a fellow Latino had a similar case where he "joked" about selling his equipment for real money and they understood that it was a joke. Seriously, I apologize for this bad joke, I would not want to lose so many years of effort on this game. I would feel very bad if because of a joke, I not only lose that time, but also the moments and friendships that this server has given me. I would appreciate it if you could take the time to review everything you can about my account, there is no doubtful transaction or service, that was never my intention and I understand that I would not joke about something like that again. Thank you very much, I hope your understanding.
Hello. Our admins reviewed your case further and determined that your permanent ban will remain. I know you may have thought of it as a joke, but we have to go on what we can see and in this case it was your smega. I apologize for this unfortunate news, but wish you the best with your future endeavors.
Good morning gentlemen, responding to your sentence; I understand that they are doing their job and it seems perfect to me. I think they should reconsider some points to reach their conclusion I have taken the time to review other cases out there because I suppose there should be partiality towards everyone. And in other cases if strong evidence has been found or at least already very accurate assumptions and the prohibition is indisputable. I wonder, is that Smega overwhelming and indisputable proof that I did RWT? I quote Rule 8 on Permanent Ban by RWT: "The act of ATTEMPTING to, or exploiting the software or the game for any sort of commercial purpose, including buying or selling items, mesos, or services for real world currency or barter. Additionally, any and all solicitation, advertisement, or other promotion of the aforementioned, irrespective of the location of the act". It could be left as an RWT attempt if I had searched for real money in that smega, but I searched for mesos ("60/120"), from that point it becomes clear that what is required is Mesos and not real money. And that there was no attempt by RWT, but the mention of a silly joke so that they pay me the millions of mesos to the Yape platform. The joke lies in the point that they can't pay me for the 60m or 120m for the Yape platform. It's like saying "60/120m I accept credit cards" If I was really interested in receiving real money, I would not have put the amount of mesos that I need, rather I would have put nothing, or since I am supposedly being so cheeky to offer those services via smega, I would have put the amount in real money instead of mesos. To which they say that "we must follow what we see and it is your smega" I understand, but it is that silly joke that is seen on my Smega, which I explain detail by detail. I sincerely asked them to check everything, chats, ghost trades, something, anything and I am 100% sure they have not found anything and will not. I'm not unconscious as for launch SERIOUSLY that global message after investing years and so much in this game. For example, I was going to stop playing this because I wasn't a wash and they saved the Unwashed people with their HP Quest, which I spent almost 2 years on to get to 22k HP from 5k HP. So many hours and effort, coming from a long time veteran on this server, it would be foolish of me if I was seriously trying to trade real money and wasting so many years of time. Please reconsider, again I apologize for this joke. I will not make any kind of reference like this anymore, I am even sure that it is the only time in the 8 years of playing that I have gone through something similar, I do not have any kind of similar history in the time that I play and you can see that all my teams and Other things have been financed by my efforts. On the other hand, as I mentioned at the beginning, I know that they are doing their job, although I would like to know why they were so severe with me when that fellow Latino was accurate with what he said about selling his things and it was more private because he did it in a guild chat. something that there can be given to misinterpretations because it is reaching a small number of people who he considered trustworthy. I suppose they reviewed everything, chats, trades and more, and came to see that his words were true. Please I ask for the same understanding based on evidence, and that seriously, if you find something, I'm gone forever. Please reconsider, I love this game and its community. Thank you very much, I await your news.
I appreciate your response, but unfortunately we evaluate each appeal individually. We have discussed your case as a group and your ban will remain permanent. As stated before and also as stated in our T&C, any attempt to solicit RWT (even as a joke) will result in a ban. There was no sense of joking in your smega so we have to go based on what we see on our end. I hope you take this as a learning opportunity to ensure you follow the rules in other places in the future. We wish you the best with your future endeavors. Closing the appeal as we have already stated our position on this appeal.