All Your Character Names: Prudent, Synergize, nedas Last thing you did: I was grinding with two of my friends last night, helping them by HSing them at Platoon Chronos Why do you think you got banned?: Not really sure, I've not done anything against the rules or ToS Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): Unsure
Hi kenny, Prudent, Synergize, and nedas are all my character names as far as i'm aware. That is my only account. My sister has also logged in from my computer, but i'm not sure of her character names because we never ended up buddying each other i just know it was a Ranger. EDIT: she decided she didn't want to play again, because she couldn't remember her bishops account information. I believe she submitted a thread to try to get access to it again? EDIT 2: Asked my sister, ign might be xTeena but i'm not positive lol. I believe both of us are also on the voting white list from long ago if that helps prove that we're siblings.
Hey I believe that is her bishop maybe? I'm not sure, or other acc. Again, i think she posted a thread to try to get access to her account again because we were thinking about playing together again. I think she said one of her accounts / character is also affability? i have the text logs between her and i going back and forth right now if that's necessary. again i think we're both on the voting white list if that helps prove we're separate people.
MplexHB? No I do not recognize that IGN. My sister was trying to get her account back and noticed that her main got locked. Im not sure if that has something to do with it? As far as i'm aware, neither one of us shared our accounts with other ppl Confirmed with my sister, she also does not know a mplexHB
Could you ask your sister on which account is she having trouble with? you may PM me the account name, or the character name here
Per my sister: Character Names: Affability - Bishop she says she thinks it was, but she doesn't remember because tis been 5+ years I will DM you the account name. EDIT: I do not see an option to DM you
it's okay I got the account name now. It appears that your sister's accounts were hacked and used for malicious purposes, and you were banned because of related info. Your sister needs to recover her accounts shall she wish to play again. I have unbanned your account and you should be able to log in now! Sorry for the inconvenience
Thank you sir! I will advise her that she needs to recover her accounts. I believe she submitted a thread for this because she was not getting an e-mail to recover her account. I will have her follow up on that. Thanks!