ALL Your Character Names: Caie, Quah, Kaieo, Waily, Verminator, Azaeia Last thing you did: Sold skele leech on Waily Why do you think you got banned?: No clue Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional):
Hello, you were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso? Where did you get the 15att rs from?
Hi Kenny I do not have any clean FS/SCG on any characters. My most expensive items atm are the mage gears on Waily. Most of my funds came from leeching and merching mostly from sales on these posts I also have tons of screenshots of my sales I would like to share through pm if that is okay with you
Thanks for the quick reply. We can get started with the 15att red sock first. Could you please provide more details regarding this item?
Hi Kenny I've sent screenshots of my merching to you via convo, I traded my +6 Perf KC with 1 slot left from this post for the 15wa red sock. Unfortunately I do not have the ss nor do I remember the person's IGN. Could you check my trade log from the 25/5 to 30/5 I cant remember exactly which date I traded on
Hello, we can discuss your other merching activities afterward. But first, we need to investigate the origin of your 15att red sock. 15att rs is a pretty big transaction so any details will be helpful. For example, where did you find the selling ad(smega or forum post?), how much did you pay and what did you pay him in (coins/ws/cs)? And when did this happen?
Hi Kenny as mentioned above, I traded my +6 Perf KC with 1 slot left for the 15wa red sock 1:1 direct trade. It was between 25/5 to 30/5 i cannot remember exactly when sorry. I came across the 15wa red sock through a smega back then