All Your Character Names:SylarLord,SylarShadow,SylarCrash,IVIrecy,SylarBow Last thing you did:HT run Why do you think you got banned?: I don't know Ban message when attempting to log in:his is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection
Hello, you were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso?
I've been playing the game for a long time bossing, selling leech,gach and still have a lot of NX for gach from vote and don't have a lot of mesos rn 1B all i have in all acc What items are you talking about? I have items from long time I bought it or i made it i have some picture and video from long time scrolling the items 2020 but not for all items
There are multiple KSAx, although deleted, in the account containing SylarShadow. Are you sure you don't recognize the ign KSAx?
I do not remember the IGN but I was do a lot of random players to do the glove quest in maple island After that I deleted the player
there are at least 9 character named KSAx that was deleted so it's hard to believe your initial claim of the bolded statement of no idea. Anyway, my main question is how did you get the perfect kanzir this March on your character KSAx? It looks like you bought it via rwt and accept the item on your mule, then transfer it to your main account, and then delete the mule character
My English is weak and can't explain in the best way I took a long break and i come back playing again before march and I was have my items in different accounts and different players and Probably i put my kanzir in one of the player by mistake . As I told you earlier I can Show you some pictures and a video in 2020 scrolling my kanzir
So you saying you had a perfect kanzir on a mule character (that you somehow can’t remember), you were planning to delete? Doesn’t make much sense to me. I am most interested in the current kanzir that you obtained this year, not 2020
After the long break you will go to all your accounts and your players and to see what you have Because you forget I am most interested in the current kanzir that you obtained this year, not 2020 it is the same kanzir and I told you I have pictures and a video for it. I don't know what you want me to do more Everyone can say this it is not the same kanzir. it is not making sense it is my last post playing mapleroyals for 4~5 Years now and i got ban Because someone feels it is not the same dagger
No, it's not the same kanzir. It's not "we feel like it's not the same", but it's "we know it's not the same kanzir" You don't have this kanzir on any of your characters at the beginning of the year. We know you got a brand new one and looks like you are unable to explain the origin of it Whether or not to continue the appeal is entirely up to you, but for now I will close your appeal. Feel free to reply should you have more details about how you obtained this kanzir this year